14; i need you in my life

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[ Zoey ]

"Guys," I said sitting down on a stool. "Zach's been acting weirdly recently."

"What do you mean?" Jonah asked, "where is he?"

"He was sobbing last night, I tried to ask him what happened, but he wouldn't tell me a damn thing.."

"Maybe he just had a bad nightmare." Corbyn reassured.

I shook my head, "no, he didn't go asleep, neither of us did last night. He touched the back of his head and that's when his eyes started to water, like in physical and mental agony." Corbyn and Jonah's eyes widened. "His face was red aswell, and he sorta spaced out.. like he wasn't on earth at that moment." I said.

"...I.." Jonah trailed off clearly shook.
"Should we call the doctor?" Corbyn asked concerned.

"I don't know...they can't really do anything considering he can't talk, but maybe.."

"Where is he now?"

"Sleeping." I said, "he's fine, now I hope." I sighed.

"That isn't normal... especially after the accident. Zoey we have to tell his doctor," Corbyn said but Jonah shook his head.

"The fans know Zach was at the hospital... they found out who his doctor was and now they're attacking him. Everywhere we go they're there, an—and don't get me wrong I love them but Zach needs his privacy." Jonah said. "And our management wont let Zach leave the house,"

"But we went walking.—"

"Yeah and we got in trouble for it.." Corbyn mumbled awkwardly.

"Shit I'm sorry—"

"It's fine, Zoey you did it know."

"So what the hell do we do?" I asked as Jonah shrugged.

"Zach's going through something he can't tell us about, something more serious than we know of.." Jonah said, "he might have a panic attack, an anxiety attack who knows!, and we won't know..." he said.

"We have to watch him.." Corbyn said, "our best at least."

"Shit... this is worst than last year..."

"Life only gets harder.." Corbyn muttered, "Don't worry we've got each other... we can work with it."
I grabbed a water bottle from out the fridge as Zach walked down the steps.

"Hey Zach." Jonah said, Zach waved lowly before sitting down. His eyes looked around, "Jack's asleep, if you were wondering." He added. Zach nodded.

"You can read his mind pretty well." I smile.

"Yeah guess I got used to it." , "here." He handed Zach some breakfast. Which he hesitatingly looked at.
"Zach, we have tour in a couple of months, like maybe four, five possibly six." Jonah said, "and we need you to try to talk."

"Otherwise we won't be able to perform, unless we use your background voice.. but the fans—they'd get skeptical, and start to find out our problems— or even worst make up fake news." Corbyn said.

Zach kept his eyes on me. I gave him him a weak smile, "please." He didn't say anything; of course. But he didn't show an emotion either.

Suddenly he held the back of his head the same way he did last night; in agony. His face scrunched as his face reddened. "Zach?!" I rushed to his side along with the other two behind me.

"Zoey watch out." Corbyn pulled me aside as Jonah ran up to Zach, shaking him. "You're okay, Zachary, you're fine."
Corbyn held onto me making sure I didn't run up to him.
Zach eyes watered themselves as he spaced out.
"Shit... it's a flashback."

Anyways hope you enjoyed! Also I'm fucking excited for 'don't change' soundtrack to come out tomorrow.

Vote, comment, follow (if you haven't), share, & enjoy!

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