2; speak.

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It was Zach's 3rd perfomace with his band but sadly i couldn't make it. All the tickets were sold and i just didn't have the time to make it to Dallas, in time.
So i facetimed him and the boys,
"Zoeyyyy," the boys all yelled in sync, "so sorry you couldn't make it, babe" Zach said.

"Its fine. Really, just have a great time. All of you. I'll be sure to facetime you afterwards" i smiled,

"Okay, love you."

"Love you more. Bye" i ended the call and plopped down on my couch and watched some movies before i fell asleep.

* * * * *

I woke up to loud buzzing, i opened up my phone and there we multiply texts from the boys, Corbyn texted my 10 times and i missed 9 of his calls, Jonah texted 6 times and i missed 11 of his calles, Daniel texted 15 times and i missed 14 of his calls and jack texted 5 times and i missed 8 of his calls.

"Shit," i sat up striaght and answerd Corbyn's tenth call, "hello?" I answered quickly.

"Zoey, oh thank god. She answerd guys!" I heard him shout.

"W...whats going on?"

There was a quiet pause, "Zach's im a coma.."
I froze.

"What?" , "what happend, where is he?,"

"He slipped and fell off stage, the stage is at least 3ft high but he hit his head on the railing just as he fell." He stated, "the doctors informed us that he luckily didn't get brain damaged, but... they told us if he wakes up his thinking might go back a year." He added.

"What do you mean, go back a year? How?"

"I...i dont know.."

"Im coming."

"No zoey-" i hung him up a d pulled on my leggings and a sweatshirt, slipped on my shoes and grabed my bag and phone before leaving my house.

Once i made it to the airport i booked a flight to dallas and waited impatiently, till finally the plane arrived.

"Please, please be okay." I whispered to myself as i sat down and fliddled his my fingers. Trying my best to pervent myself from breaking down into tears.
I snifled a bit but kept it together.

Four hours later.

The plane finally landed as i grabed my bag. I didn't have and luggage so i grabed my bag and left the airport.

I didn't think twice about booking a hotel as i enter the uber drivers car.

I got out of the car and entered the hosptial. The nurse led me to the room he was in.

"Thank you" i smiled, as she left.

I enterd to see Zach awoke, but the boys didn't look to good.

They all turned to me, "he wont speak"
I froze.

Cliffhanger, sorry my thumbs hurt.😂

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