7; and ones who love all of the drama.

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I woke up to a soft snoring Jack.
I decided to stay where I was for a bit.

"But baby!" I heard a voice whine as I kept my eyes shut.

"I'm sorry." That voice was Daniel's. He sounded sympathetic, "I-I'll try just please don't break up with me."

"Perfect." Her voice lightened up, "I need about a thousand dollars."

"You sure?— I-I mean... is it really that much?" He stumbled over his words as he quieted down.

"Uh, yes?! My hair, nail, some clothes, and extra accessories."
How the hell would that all come out to a total of one thousand?

"O—okay." He spoke.

I decided to 'fake' wake myself up. Daniel just ignored me, which I honestly didn't care about.
I noticed Corbyn and Jonah weren't in their seats, in fact it was empty. I look around then faced Jack.
"Jack." I poked his face.

"What?" He mumbled, his hat and glasses were still on.

"Where's Corbyn and Jonah?"

"I dunno?, just lay back down, I'm sure they just went to go get some food." He muttered pulling me back down. I look over to where Zach laid.
We made eye contact but he just ignored me.
Had he thought I was cheating on him?, because I surely wasn't.

I sighed deeply, not wanted to go back to sleep anymore.
"I'm gonna go look for them."

"Sure." He said obviously only wanting to go back to sleep.

I got off of him and left out the room.
Jonah and Corbyn where both sitting in the lobby instead of the room.
"What the hell are you two doing?"

"One word." Jonah said, "Amanda"

"What do you mean?"

"She 'made' Daniel kick us out." Corbyn began, "he went to go get some food for the both of them. While he was gone we overheard her on her phone, we think she was talking to another guy. We told her what she was doing was cold, and she threatened us that if we told she'd make our lives bullshit, obviously we weren't having it and we augured back, but that didn't turn out well because as soon as Daniel got back she began crying and saying we touched her."

"Wait— are you serious?!— we have to go tell him off—"

"No point" Corbyn said. He looked kinda sad. "I don't even have my best friend anymore."

"Corbyn." I reached over and gave them both a hug, "he's just being a bitch right now."

"So he kicked ya'll out?"

They both nodded, "You believe us right?" Jonah asked quickly, "that we didn't touch her?, because we wouldn't touch a girl like her."

"Of course I do Jonah!, I know you're not like that!" I said.

"Thanks", "Jack still sleep?".

"Yeah. Wouldn't wake up" I said.

"Well, that's Jack."

"Should we go wake him up?, we can go get some food in the food court." Jonah suggested.

"What about Zach though?, I dunno if I feel comfortable leaving him alone in a room with them two" I said referring to Daniel and his girlfriend.

"Don't worry, they're moving him into another room any minuets now. They're taking him to speech therapy." Corbyn said.

"Oh. Well in that case I'll go get Jack." I said quickly running off back to the room.

I opened the door reveling a sleeping Jack, a empty hospital bed, and Amanda and Daniel snogging each other.
I brush past them harshly, as I made my way to jack who slept uncomfortably on the chair.
"Jack" I whisper, "wake up."

"Huh..?" He mumbled.

"C'mon—, we're going to eat."

"I wanna sleep," he said snuggling to the side.

"No," I chuckle pulling him back, "get up, you've slept enough for one day."

"Fine." He smiled getting up, "where's Corbyn and Jonah?"

"I'll explain later." I said.

"Fair enough." He followed me out the door as we made our way back to Jonah and Corbyn.

"C'mon Me and Jonah saw a food place connected to the hospital, I'm sure it's hella good." Corbyn said as we all followed him.

I walked with Jack by my side and Corbyn and Jonah in front of us.
"Do you think Zach'll get back to normal?" I asked, "I mean—, I just— it's complicated.." I sighed.

"Yeah." Jack began, "he'll get back together, for all I know is that he misses you. I can see it in his eyes"
Jack gave a sad sorta look before changing it to a smile.


That hurt me to say, I don't know why.
I know I shouldn't feel this way, but maybe if Zach stays like this I'll have a chance—, I mean.. maybe she'll forget about him.

I know it sounds cruel, and harsh but she amazing, everything about her.
"Zach's lucky." I mutter.

"What was that?"


"C'mon!, I see an ice cream shop outside." She dragged me along the sidewalk of outside. Passing Both Corbyn and Jonah, who gave me a smirk.
They shouldn't be encouraging my feelings.

Sorry😂, ik that you think I'm turning this into a Jack fanfic BUT it's not trust me!
Zach and Zoey will happened soon... just lemme let Jack have this moment😂.

Vote, comment, follow (if you haven't), share, & Enjoy!
Love ya'll see ya'll on Thursday with a new post since I won't be creating a new chapter tomorrow due to some reasons.

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