6; Hell, i dont know?

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[ Zoey's POV ]

Daniel's girlfriend continued with the fake whines and pouts towards Daniel as the rest of us sat annoyed.
"I'll be right back baby," she said pushing out of his arms, "I'm gonna go freshen up for our date tonight" she gave him a sorta of wink before leaving.

I gave a fake gag.

"Control her." Jack said in a annoyed voice, "she's got some problems"

"Well maybe if Zoey hadn't been such a bitch towards her—"

"Zoey wasn't the one who started the bull crap, I don't know what she's done to you but you've gone mental!" Jack cut Daniel off rudely, "all you do is snog her carelessly!, you don't even care Zach can't even speak!"

"Jack..." I grabbed his arm in realization his face was boiling red.

"Just because you don't have a girlfriend doesn't mean you get to ruin it for me!" Daniel spat.

"Leave him alone, Daniel!" I said trying to calm Jack down. "Okay?, Your girlfriend will be back soon why don't you just go wait for her outside."

By the time Daniel left Zach had woken up.
"Zach" I said walking to his side. "How are you feeling?"

He opened his mouth as if he were to say something but couldn't and quickly shut his mouth.
"Talk, please"

He shook his head.

"T-A-L-K, Zach, please." I begged. "Remember how to talk?"

He shook his head again.

"Not even a little?"

He shook his head again.

I signed as I felt tear stream down my face. He gave me a confused look before shrugging and laying back down.
I felt Jack give me a gently reassuring hug.

"He won't speak"

"It'll get better,"

He let go of me and smiled, I smiled back before Daniel and his girlfriend came back.
"Oh no" I heard Corbyn whisper to Jonah as Jonah practically snorted.

"Baby!" She whined, "there's no more chairs left!!"

"Guys" Daniel began giving us all glares. "Ahem"

"Oh hell no, do I look like a little kid?, I'm not sitting on someone's damn lap." Corbyn began shaking his head, "Sorry babe" he gave a mocking tone to Daniel with a smirk as Daniel sighed and turned to Jonah.

"Hell no." He shook his head.

Daniel turned to Jack who glared.
"After what happened?, Hell fucking no"

And lastly Daniel gave me a desperate look. "You called me a bitch." I began, "I thought we were besties but it seems to me that your using me."

"BABY!" She whined louder. "Make then give up a chair!"

"Zoey!" Daniel forcefully begged.

"Where the hell will Zoey sit!" Jack asked.

"I don't know?!, hell, figure it out! Sit on Jack lap or something— I don't give a damn"

"Fucking fine!," I practically yell, "give the bitch the damn seat"
I push the chair as it hit Daniel harshly.

He didn't even say 'thank you'

"Do you wanna—?" Jack asked awkwardly. "Y'know, in a friendly way—"

"Sure." I shrugged laying down on him. "Wow you're warm" I chuckle.

"Yeah don't get your hopes up. I'm hella sweaty underneath"

"Ew," I giggle playfully.

"Hey!, blame the concert" he chuckled as I fell asleep.


She looked so peaceful sleeping on me, honestly.
I wish I could say she was mine— what the hell am I thinking?— this is Zach's girl, I'm only trying to make her feel better.

I gave a loud sigh as I looked around to see Jonah and Corbyn chuckling.
"What?" I asked.

"Is little jacky trying to hold in a boner?" Corbyn teased.

"Ew, what the fuck dude?, Hell no!" I said rather quickly.

"Keep telling yourself that. But we all know you secretly wanna fuck Zoey" Jonah gave a loud crackle as Corbyn said that.

"No I don't!" , "besides she's Zach's girlfriend, I can't"

"Awh, you sound disappointed"

"Shut the hell up you big ass dork"

"Ouch" Corbyn chuckled. "You're a harsh little fella."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Oh shit— 😳.

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