5; Motherfucker

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| Zoey's Pov|

I woke up on the chairs lobby only to see Jack. Sleeping right beside me.
I raised my eyebrow, but he shortly woke up after me.

"Oh, Zoey" he scratched his head, "Morning.."

"Morning" I said awkwardly.

"Uhm, I'm sorry." He paused, "for yelling at you. You're probably right when you said someone might've pushed Zach.."

"I was just scared." He added apologetically. "I—, my best friend can't even talk anymore, it's last year all over again." He looked down.

"Hey!, I thought I was your best friend!" I giggled as he chuckled.

"You know what I mean" he smiled.
We sat there for a while in full silence. Until Corbyn came out to the lobby.

"Hey, you too" , "Zach's in there eating, and Daniel's girlfriend is still there as well" he took a seat next to Jack and sighed, "Zoey. You need to fix him"

"You're right, Corbyn. I do, and I am." I stood up, "c'mon, let's go inside"

They followed me inside where Jonah slept on the chair in the right Conner and Daniel and his girlfriend snuggled in the other corner.

"Zach—" I said before a snobby voice interrupted.

"Hm, you must Be his girlfriend. Zoey, isn't it?" She smiled Fakely.

"Zoey, this is my girlfriend Amanda" Daniel introduces.

"She looks bitchy" I quietly whispered to Jack and Corbyn, as they both snickered.

"I'm sorry. What was that?" She said, "what's the whispering about"

"Well, it's called 'whispering' for a reason. To prevent others from hearing" I smiled fakely back to her.

"Didn't your momma ever teach you not to whisper in front of people. It's rude."

"And didn't your momma ever teach you to not so nosy?, it's rude." I mocked.

"Hey!, Zoey. Cut it out. That was rude" Daniel said as his girlfriend started acting sad and offended.
"her mom died!" He patted her back.

"Daniel!, Amanda started that shit first. What goes around comes around" Jack shrugged

"Jack. J—just shut up will you." Daniel said.

"You've changed."

"I grew up"

Well Damn😳

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