17: i dont wanna go.

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[ Zoey ]  [ narrator ]
"The weeks almost over," Zoey sighed finishing her plate of food, "I honestly don't wanna go." her voice was almost like a whine as she placed the plate in the empty sink.

Corbyn nodded in agreement. "You'll visit is again, right?" He asked eyeing the plate in the sink like he had no where else to look.

Zoey nodded, "Yeah, I just need to finish schooling,"

Corbyn frowned, "we're gonna miss you Z. Your the reason we're 'Why Don't We'" he stated.

"imma miss you too Corbs," she said with a low frown. "but don't worry it won't be for long." She assured.
He nodded knowing she was right.

"Zach's been getting private therapy but it's still not working," Corbyn brought a conversation about Zach.
"Zoey, tour is coming. what if we have to cancel it?"

Zoey reassured him the best she could but she knew her reassurance wasn't at all great.

As Zach walked down the steps his face lighten with swiftness. He greet Zoey with a fair hug and smiled along with a wave. "Morning, zach." She smiled towards him; she knew she'd miss his smile everyday, even if he couldn't talk.

He sat down in the sunken seat next to Corbyn, greeting him aswell. "Good morning Zachary." Corbyn greeter back.
The light in the room want there for long; Jonah came rushing down the steps with Daniel and Jack beside him. His face was beaming with redness and so were jacks and Daniels. "Zach's mom is sueing us if we don't give up Zach to her—!, she's already got a lawyer and reporter." He blurred as Zoey's face gave an unbelievable ( ;) ) expression.

"no.." she muttered, "no, no this— she can't—! He's 17–!" She said louder as Corbyn sat of straight eyeing the boys for the truth.

"I'm serious!" Jonah nodded.

"Zoey, he isn't in fact of age yet," Jack said. "If we don't let him go we might go to jail, or lose are money, or get sued. This isn't what we want but our manager told us we won't be able to fight for another lawyer. And she's already got a lawsuit. We have nothing."

Zach eyes Darted to each and everyone of theres, his face was telling them 'no'.
" Zach," Jonah pleaded. " it's only until you're of age which isn't far from now.,"

"Shit this isn't how our lives we're suppose to go." Corbyn cried in frustration. "First Zach falls off stage and now can't talk, then I loose all my money to visit my girlfriend, and then Zoey leave while Zach still can't speak even though tour is coming. And now we're really assed, we have to give Zach up until he's 18, our tour is coming."

"Let's just stay calm—, this is—"

"We'll have to go, I guess."

"Go where?"

"To see what her lawyer has to say."

Within that they were already at the case, sitting in a court room in devastation.
"I declare, Myta Herron is still considered to have Zachary Dean Herron In her care."

As Zoey sighed she could hear the sniffles of the boys to her right. She reassured them as Zach was left inside the courtroom, confused.
She sobbed, she may have tried her best to keep clean but it was a mess. Her flight was in two days, and Zach's gone.

"Shit, we're fucked." Jack chocked.

"god!" Corbyn yelled.

Zoey couldn't bare with this. As soon as she got through the doors of their home she ran to her bedroom. Locking the door.

Woahhhh it feels good to be back 👌🏽 how ya'll doin'?
Hope ya'll enjoyed new chapter up tomorrow.

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