Yeah, I know, weed! You won!

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Anon: *They roll their eyes* Whatever...

Bendy: Th-That would be *cough* Lucian....

*With Ava and Flowey* 

Flowey: Yeah, just come and get me whenever you want me to teach you. It should be fun...

*With El and Sans*

Sans: *Sigh* But... Me and him ydo get along at times too.... Like... We watch anime, study astromany, read manga, actually, this was RESETS ago, but.... Though, I hate to admit it... He's actually the one that made this hoodie.... He hid a bunch of whoopie cushions inside when he first gave it to me, and I wanted to laugh so badly, but I didn't wanna give him the pleasure of tha-

Flowey: Hah! Heard that, trashbag! It WAS funny!!

Sans: Yeah yeah! I know, weed!

*With Lucian and Cuphead*

Cuphead: Okayyyy... Those two are... Really powerful... I, uh... I'll make sure to not forget about 'em....

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