But Nobody Came.

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Cuphead: *He looks at the ground* Sure....

Mugman: Yeah... I ca- *He then notices Cuphead, and walks over to him* Cuphead, you okay?

Cuphead: Yeah, I'm fine.

Mugman: *He doesn't believe him* Cuphead.

Cuphead: *Sigh* Mugs, I'm not gonna take something called "Happy". It's stupid.

Mugman: Cup, I know that you don't like it, but, I don't want..... I don't want you to try "that" again...... 

Cuphead: Fine, if it'll get you to stop talking..... *He takes out a pill bottle, and swallows down two of them* Happy?

Mugman: Yeah, and, if you keep taking that, then you'll be too.

Cuphead: Yeah, whate- *He suddenly looks more excited, and happy then usual* Yup! I know, Mugs!! Happy, happy!

Mugman: *He smiles, and walks back, towards the front of the group, hoping that Cala doesn't ask anything*

Frisk: *They smile, walking along, with Kiara*

Sans: Ow, okay, I deserved that.

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