But Nobody Came.

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Bendy: Hmm, okay... Mochie tells, to climb the closest tree!

Butterscotch: {Mind: Dang it, I hate being right.} Okay, you insomniac... What's making you stressed out or depressed? Or both.

Sans: <Mumbles: Da hell??> *He runs over, getting attacks and defenses ready, for if they're needed*

Frisk: Hmm... *They pick up one of the Mythicals that they slaughtered, and throw it at Mugman and Cala* Merry Christmas!

Mugman: *He looks at the dead Mythical, in disgust and fear, completely frozen*

Frisk: Pffthahahahaha!!!!!!! Dude, are you seeing his face?! He's fucking HORRIFIED!! Hahaha!!!

Mugman: I-I-Is there a d-dead body on top of me...??

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