Cuphead: *He glares at the Anons* For someone who claims to want to help us, you seem to like leaving scars.
Sans: *He glares at Kiara, but then looks surprised towards Flowey*
Butterscotch: *He feels bad for Ava, then trying to find a way to cheer her up, he starts to sing Youth, by Daughter* Shadows settle on the place, that you left.... Our minds are troubled, by the emptyness...
Cuphead: Destroy the middle. It's a waste of time. From the perfect start-
Sans: To the finish line.
Butterscotch: And, if you're still breathing, you're the lucky ones.... 'Cause most of us are breathing through corrupted lungs.
Sans: Setting fire to our insides for fun
Boris: Collecting names of the lovers that went wrong
Mugman: The lovers that went wrong.
Bendy: We are the reckless, we are the wild youth!
Butterscotch: Chasing visions of our futures- *Suddenly, a knife is thrown at him, and he just barely dodges it*
Frisk: Your future won't fucking exist if you don't shut the hell up!! *They kick Butterscotch, and grab their knife, walking back next to Kiara*

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of Mythicals
FanfictionQFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series! [WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]