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Frisk: Nice... But.... Blood stains a bit too easily in snow.....

Sans: What the hell...?

Anon: Flowey is now a cat until you get to this Enchantedtale!!

Flowey: What, what the fu-?! *Suddenly he's been turned into a cat, He stands up, a bit wobbly at first* Oh fuckin' hell, you're joking, right??

Anon: Nope~!

Sans: *He picks Flowey up* You're so cute!!

Flowey: *He glares at Sans* I will claw your non-existant eyes out, Trashbag!!

Sans: *He sets Flowey back down* Yikes....

Flowey: *He walks over, by Ava* {Mind: What was my cat name again...? I can't remember....}

A/N - What actually was his cat name?? I tried to find it, but I couldn't...

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