Butterscotch: Pfft! Okay, I'm outta pizza puns. Ava, you still alive?
Frisk: That whole thing was a fucking waste of time. *They walk over to Rocky, and licks her face* Hmm... A bit salty, but you're alright.
Anon: What the actual fuck, Frisk?!
Frisk: What? I'm just hoping to have my good ol' friend Rocky here for dinner!
Anon: Pfft! How does Rocky feel about getting licked?

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of Mythicals
FanfictionQFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series! [WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]