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Boris: *He clenches his fists, as if holding back, to punch her* Who ARE you?! And, WHAT the heck do you want?!

Cuphead: It's no problem, really! 

Frisk: Deal. *They shake Kiara's hand* 

Flowey: I... I don't know. I just.... I thought that the GENOCIDE was over....

Chara: <Mumbles: You're one to talk....>

Flowey: Well, Fuck you too.

Chara: I'll make you walk the plank! Don't think I won't, mate!

Flowey: Did you just...?!

Chara: What?

Flowey: Did you just fucking call me "mate"?!

Chara: Yeah, Of course I- HOLY SHIT! I did not mean that!! Gross!

Flowey: Likewise. I'm not a fan of Incest.

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