Proud to be HUMAN...?

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Sans: Woah! Heya, me! Please don't hurt me! 

Bendy: Wai- *He was about to go after her, but then faceplanted*

Boris: *He walks over, and holds out his hand* You okay, Bro?

Bendy: Fuck off. I don't need your help. *He stands up by himself* Now leave, you bitch. *He walks to the front*

Boris: *He lags to the back again* <Mumbles: Brandy, Sans, and now Bendy...? Next thing you know, Brielle will disown me too... If she hasn't already.....> *He notices Honeyfrost, who was walking next to him, ha was about to say something, but decides not to* <Mumbles: It's pointless... She probably hates you anyway...>

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