Sans: *He sighs, walks over to Icicle, and petc him* Sorry, pup..... We're ghosts.... She ain't able to see us...
Anon: Sans, why is it that we can see ghosts like that sad ghost, but can't see you or Six, or the others here?
Sans: Oh!! Well, you see, while Napstablook is a common or "Recurrent" type ghost, right now we're "Clear" or "transparent" ghosts! So, we're not the same type of ghost.
Frisk: *They walk over to the paper, pick it up, then walk over to Eliver, and rips it in half* Tell your sister that Junior Jumble is much more difficult than a Crossword Puzzle. *They then walk past Eliver, suddenly, they stop, go back, and starts to play with Eliver's hair, giving a non-horrifying smile*
Bendy: What the heck...?? What's she doing...???
Frisk: <Whispers: Stop it. You're fucking kidding me, right?! We're supposed to be killing her!! Let go!> *They yank themself away from Eliver, and starts to walk off again*

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of Mythicals
FanfictionQFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series! [WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]