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Frisk: *They keep walking* ... 

Butterscotch: I- 

Frisk: *They look back, at Butterscotch, and slow down* Were you trying to escape?

Butterscotch: Wh-What...?

Frisk: Aw, cute... But, even if we wanted to, we can't spare a single mutt here...

Butterscotch: *He realizes that he's a Mythical, and folds his ears back* Y-Y'know, I'm just a kid! A-And, um.... I-I really can't do any harm to you! Or... O-Or.....

Frisk: Doesn't work like that~! *They throw their knife down at him, and he barely dodges, Then running around the group, in fear* Shit.... Hey, Kiara! Wanna help? This one's a runner!

Butterscotch: Nonononono!!! *He runs over to Lucian* Please help! I'm just a kid! Don't let them kill me!!

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of MythicalsWhere stories live. Discover now