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Cuphead: *He looks at them, and smiles* Aw, that's cute!

Flowey: *He looks at Ava and Brielle, almost as if he wanted to join, before looking down* {Mind: No, don't be stupid! It's... They don't like you. Neither does anyone else. So just stop thinking that they do.}

Boris: *He grabs her, by the collar of her shirt* You're possessing my sister for a reason! If your not trying to hurt my family, then who ARE you trying to hurt? 

Sans: *He looks over, and sees this, but isn't close enough to hear them* What the hell?! Boris??

Boris: Is it Ava? Lucian?? Eliver?! The truth is, that I am going to be in your way! You can threaten all that you want, but I know how to protect my loved ones!

Mugman: *He looks over, seeing Boris and Brandy, then steps back a bit* B-Boris?!

Boris: I know that you're going to hurt somebody, so just tell me who it is! I can't let you hurt them!

Bendy: *He looks over, seeing what's going on, tears pick into his eyes, and he runs over, and pushes Boris, making him let go of Brandy* NO! Boris, are you INSANE?! Why are you so against Brandy?!

Boris: I'm not! I'm against the person who's possessing her! Can't you understand?! That is not Brandy!!

Bendy: Yes she is! And, based on how you've been acting, then maybe I shouldn't be trusting you!! So, just leave it alone!

Boris: Bendy...?

Bendy: I said leave!

Boris: *He backs away, then walking ahead*

Bendy: *He puts his hands on Brandy's cheeks* Brandy, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I really don't know what's gotten into him... Did he hurt you at all?

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