Boris: *His ears droop again* W-Wait... They're turning i-into HUMANS...? Oh no, that's not good! C-Can we fix it??
Sans: Well, basically, someone used their magic, because they wanted to see what I'd look like as a Human. But, s' all cool. Only temporary.
Mugman: Uh... Sans, hate to ruin your moment, but, who are those two...?
Sans: Oh, yeah! Mind introducin' yourselves to my friends here?

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of Mythicals
FanficQFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series! [WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]