QFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series!
[WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]
Butterscotch: *He walks over to Brandy, and rubs against her legs* {Mind: Don't actually remember what this girl's name is, but she smells like Ink and strawberries, so she's alright...} (Little did he know that she's possessed, and will probably end up killing or hurting somebody later XD)
Sans: Heh heh! See, pup? Eliver's right here!! *He gives Icicle a reassuring smile, then picking him up*
Frisk: Okay, just her existance makes me want to kill her..... She's so fucking annoying...
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A/N - I don't think I've really drawn Cup that much, so here's some Cuphead!