Cuphead: I... I think it's awful..... Killing everything and everyone? It just sounds phycotic....
Boris: *He looks at Brandy, then remembering what he had to tell Bendy, and floats over to him* Hey, uh... Bendy...? Could I tell you something?
Bendy: O' course, Boris! What is it?
Boris: Well, it's about Brandy...
Bendy: About that... Boris, you've been acting really... "Weird" since she came here.... Are... Are you okay?
Boris: No! No! Bendy, I'm fine! The thing is, I don't think that that's Brandy! She's been wearing this sinister, uncomfortable smile! She acts as if she doesn't know us! And, when I hugged her earlier, she glitched!
Bendy: *His expression drops* What.
Boris: It's just, all of the evidence backs me up! She-
Bendy: Are you saying... That the SECOND we get our sister back, you want to take her away again?!?!
Boris: *He steps back a bit, never seeing Bendy lash out* Bendy??
Bendy: Brandy's our sister! I don't understand why you've been acting so weird! Wait, are you jealous?? Is that it??
Boris: Bend-
Bendy: Boris, I've missed Brandy for SO long!! I am NOT going to let your jealousy take her away from me! *He storms off, to Brandy, his arms crossed*
Boris: Did Bendy just... yell...????
Bendy: <Mumbles: Ugh! Stupid Boris! She's our sister of all people! You think she's.... possessed or something??>

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of Mythicals
FanfictionQFTS 6!! Quest for the SOULS: ___!! I hope that you enjoy! And, as always, me and XxEliverxX are the creators of this series! [WARNING: This book may contain murder, genocide, bad puns, depression, rape, torturing innocent people, ect.]