Cup's not a pervert, man!!

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Boris: *He notices the glitch, he looks nervously at the fact that he found something wrong, and stands up* Welpgottago! Hopeyouhavefun! Bye!! *He goes toward the front of the dragon again, sitting next to Kyle* {Mind: Alright, how am I supposed to expose her? But, then again.... I'm still not completely  sure what I'm exposing her for... This is gonna be tricky.....}

Cuphead: *He looks impressed* Nice! You're really good with electronics then, huh?

Anon: <Whispers to self: Phew... I thought he was about to say "You're really good with your fingers then, huh?" And, I was about ready to tear his head off....>

Anon: <Whispers: Dude! Come on!! He's not a pervert!>

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