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18 0 1

Sans:*He flies over, and in front of Frisk* Uh... Kiddo??

Frisk: *They throw their knife at Sans, and it phases through him, sticking into another Mythical, that wasn't even involved in the battle* HIT - 102 HP *They then walk over and slit the knife across the Mythical's neck* HIT -543 HP

Sans: What the hell...??

Frisk: *They run back over to the Morin, pound them onto their back, and slice down from the Mythical's chest to their stomach* HIT - 1842 HP


20 G   31 EXP 13 LOVE

Chara: *She looks at Frisk nervously, staying silent*

Quest For the SOULS: A skele-TON of MythicalsWhere stories live. Discover now