I watched you disappear.

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Finn woke with a start. His chest heaved with the efforts of taking in air. His mind raced a mile a minute with no stop in sight. Growling to himself Finn tried to flip over and go back to bed but found his efforts to be redundant. The boy next to him slept on, peacefully.

Letting his head lull to the side, Finn huffed trying to think away the headache that began to pound his brain. It wasn't something about the day that gave him restless wiggles. Maybe the warm air pulled to much on his hair or maybe it was simply the date; what day was it anyways?

His body aches for a new position, the only hesitation Finn had about the demand was the fact Jack was so close to the boy he was afraid he'd wake the slumbering boy.

A tickle furiously scratched at the back of Finn's throat and before he could go through all the reasons why it was a bad idea, the cough jerked his body forward into a sitting position successfully waking the boy next to him. "You okay, bubba?" Finn nodded still hacking, his body shuddering and lurching forward with every inhale. Jack watched on in concern, it almost seemed like Finn was going to start gagging.

Luckily Finn caught his breath, his chest heaving violently as his lungs tried to steal back every bit of oxygen that escaped him. "You okay?"

"Yeah," Finn wheezed, he took in a shaky breath before smiling down at the brunette. "I didn't mean to wake you up."

"That's okay," Jack grinned. "I needed to wake up anyhow, we're going to the beach!!!"

"Yay!" Finn mocked his boyfriend goodheartedly. Jack puckered his lips and waited expectantly for Finn to lay a wet one on him. Giggling, Finn leaned down and made sure to slobber all over him before pulling away and laughing.

"Ew!!!" Jack shouted wiping vigorously at his spit soaked lips.

"Love you~" Finn grinned.

The beach was packed. People were squeezed in close as everyone attempted to beat the hot day with much needed sand and salt water. The seven teens raced to their own spot under the pier to escape from the blistering sun, if they really wanted to they could go out in the sun.

Finn was doused in sweat as he had never felt the heat quite like today, he desperately raked at his shirt trying to get it off. All the others treated the heat like it was a 60 degree day, Jeremy wore jeans to the beach! Granted he was going to change into his swimming trunks once he caught sight of where they would be.

"You want some sunscreen, bubba?" Jack asked rifling through the bag for the bright orange sunscreen bottle.

"Yes please!" Finn called walking to Jack in a brisk pace.

Jack flipped open the caps and squeezed some of the white cream onto his palm, he rubbed his hands together and motioned for Finn to sit down in front of him. Once Finn plopped down Jack placed his chilled hands onto Finn's shoulders and began rubbing and spreading the lotion into the boy's pale skin. Finn whimpered and groaned while receiving the soft of massage. Jack giggled which snatched Finn's attention swiftly, he focused his dark brown eyes to Jack's chuckling mouth and forced himself not to kiss him. They'd already had kissed in front of their friends but never in public.

The ocean was like a douse of water in a desert, it was extremely pleasing but extremely cold. If Jack were being honest with himself, he'd admit he wasn't too confident in his swimming abilities. He was going to stay closer to shore or maybe just stay on the beach. Finn however was splashing and screaming in the water, he would swim back to Jack and plant salt water tasting kisses on his lips—completely forgetting about his PDA anxiety—and occasionally try and drag him out to the deeper parts but Jack would refuse saying he didn't want seaweed to touch him.

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