And I'll Lie

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It was the very living room in which Finn now stood in that he had finally met his friends two and a half years ago. And yet, after all that time, Finn still remembers that same anxiety that stirred his organs so long ago. Maybe LA was just a bad city for Finn, nothing good ever seemed to come out of an LA visit.

"Finn?" Wyatt called while walking out of his bedroom, his eyes were fixed on zipping up his jack and straightening it out so a part of the ghost from Pacman on his shirt was visible.


Wyatt glanced up from his sweatshirt, "do you think this looks okay?"

Finn rolled his eyes but nodded anyway, "I don't know why you need to look so good, you know Jae is just gonna show up in a flannel and his jean shorts."

Wyatt scoffed with good humor, "Jesus, I fucking hope not! That phase was an embarrassment for all of us, especially me!"

"Was a phase? I saw on his Instagram story his closet, which is still filled with flannel, " Finn chuckled, stretching out his sock to slip it over his bare foot.

"A man could only hope, " Wyatt quips back causing a wide grin to pull at the corner of Finn's lips.

"Is everyone else not awake yet?" Finn asked, repeating his sock process with the other foot now.

Wyatt shrugged, "I woke everyone up, but I don't know if everyone is actually up yet..."

A bang of protest sounded through the wall to Caleb, Gaten, and Noah's room followed by a voice, "we're awake just not up!" Finn cackled loudly, his eyes clamped shut as he held onto his now aching stomach for some sort of support. Watching Finn laugh so hard made Wyatt chuckle, he really wished that Finn didn't live so far away, he missed him a lot, even if they had only met once.

It was long summer days like this that made Finn wish he was back in Canada with the colder weather. The heat made him sweaty which in turn made him flush, which also made him hotter, which just restarted the chain all over again. Finn doesn't do well in the heat, and unlike most people who don't do well in the heat, he doesn't even get a tan for a reward! Just a lobster-red sunburn that makes him itch and squirm.

"If we want to go to the mall today to see that movie we're going to have to leave my house at noon, no later, no sooner, " Wyatt informs everyone as he scoops another pancake from the hot skillet onto a plate. Millie groans loudly letting her arm that was previously holding her head give out causing her head to thump against the table. Finn smiled against his fork, Millie was always such a character. Finn was almost certain that if every guy wasn't already in love with her than they'd have a crush on her. She was just that girl, that girl in a group that doesn't deserve her. But, if Finn began thinking about who he didn't deserve he'd die of old age before he would stop.

"Any better ideas, Mills?" Noah asked pressing his cheek to the table to make eye contact with her.

Millie groaned louder and ended with a whimper. "Sleep!" she shouted, Sadie giggled loudly and offered the tired girl a limp hand on her sleep-ached back.

"Well, I don't know about you guys but I wanna see The Prodigy!" Gaten enthused, his gaped smile allowing everyone to see his gums clearly.

Wyatt nodded along with Gaten. "And there's a nice movie theater in the mall which if we go see it there it would be knocking out two birds with one stone!" Wyatt switched the griddle off and turned to lean on the counter facing the group. Finn nodded along while chewing on his fingernails, it was a habit that had brought his need for a manicure sooner rather than later.

Millie raised her head with what looked to be enough force to kill Darth Vader, "I'm tired, Wy!"

Wyatt threw her a smile that looked to be between pity and empathetic, "The Prodigy doesn't play at the Chalet any other time today, and we're already packed full for the entire week, Mills! You're just gonna have to nap on the way there." With that, the only Oleff boy turned around and began cleaning up after himself. While his back was turned Millie shout the curly haired boy a nasty look before letting her head rest in the crook of her outstretched elbow.

"Hey, baby!" Wyatt answered the door with, Jaeden smiled widely at his boyfriend and gave him a sweet kiss before moving past him and into the busy house.

"Is Finn and everyone awake?" Jaeden asked making his way to the fridge for some orange juice. Wyatt hummed 'yes' as he watched his boyfriend reach to the middle shelf of his cupboard for a glass cup. The same glass cups that came from China on his mother's business trip there, he would never know why or how she bought a whole set for them to use and he found that to be okay.

"Oh!" Jaeden and Wyatt both looked to the doorway and spotted a startled Noah.

"Oh hey, Noah!" Jaeden smiled widely, Wyatt nodded a greeting and moved to hold his boyfriend's hips while he poured himself a glass of orange juice.

"Hey, guys..." Noah trailed off watching as Wyatt innocently held onto his significant other.

A burn developed in Noah's throat, not a particularly painful one but one that he needed to quench. "What's it like?" Noah blurted, his eyes widening when the words slipped past his lips.

"What's what like?" Wyatt asked, his eyebrows furrowed as he stared at Noah.

Noah gulped loudly and felt his eyes shoot to where Wyatt still held onto the now frozen Jaeden. "Boyfriends..."

Jaeden laughed quietly and shifted out of Wyatt's embrace to simply hold hands with the richer boy. "It's just like girlfriends but with a boy."

"Oh?" Noah scrunched up his nose at Jaeden's explanation.

"What Jaeden means is, having a boyfriend just feels like any other relationship, except a lot less drama and a lot more joking, " Wyatt grinned but gained a slight thwack on the shoulder from Jaeden.

Jaeden sighed loudly, "Wyatt is my best friend. I love him and he loves me... We do kiss and hold hands and cuddle but when you feel love it doesn't matter what gender they are, love feels the same with a boy as it does with a girl."

Noah nodded his head and studied their hands for a minute longer before popping his gaze up to their eyes. "Are you ever scared?"

"Almost every time we're in public, " Jaeden laughed and moved towards Noah offering a small smile. "But like I said I feel love with Wyatt and life's too short to cater to strangers."

"Thanks, " Noah mumbled, he turned around and began to walk back to the room he shared.

"What do you think that was about?" Wyatt asked once the boy was out of sight.

Jaeden shrugged, "maybe he's confused?"

"Hm, " Wyatt hummed.

~mall time~

"Man! I'm so glad you guys are here!" Sophia voiced, her hand brushed against Millie's for the third time in an hour. The small food court booths had a small part to play but in the long run, it had to do with the physical and emotional closeness the two girls were beginning to form.

Finn grinned widely, he was truly happy, he had everything he needed in the world! His best friends and a cherry coke! "I'm glad we're here too, Soph!" In the back of his mind, though, he kept thinking of him. Every smile was real but so was every flinch. Every time a passerby-ers voice sounded too familiar, he'd flinch. When someone else's words came too close to sounding like 'Finn, ' he'd flinch. Jack was in LA and every part of him knew it.

"The movies starting soon, " Wyatt announced, he stood up, prompting all of the others too as well, and began gathering their things. "I doubt we have to rush that much, our seats are reserved."

"No, no, the king insists, " Jeremy grumbled tossing his sweatshirt on over his short-sleeve shirt.

Wyatt turned to the other boy and pointed menacingly, "watch it, jester! Otherwise, this king will have your head chopped off by five-thirty today!" Jeremy snorted loudly and mocked an 'okay.'

"Onward!" Jaeden called, his finger pointing in the direction of the theater. The group laughed and snorted as they made their way to the theater, candy stuffed in pockets and hoods.

"GUYS!" Wyatt turned, prompting Finn and Jaeden too which caused the whole group to turn.


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