i see you when i fall asleep

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finn: i miss em

josh: lmao fuckin get em

finn: dude were u not payin attention to me for the last idk 2 1/2 YEARS???

josh: he got on a bus without any shoes on

finn: e x a c t l y

josh: ure gonna get fucked
josh: right in ur tight lil asshoe

finn: stfu furry

josh: twink

finn: bitch

josh: hoe

finn: wHORE

josh: GAY BOI

finn: gAsP

josh: yea thas right i called u out

finn: bitch fucker


finn: she really was tho 🤷‍♂️

josh: u suck

finn: cock?

josh: no vagina

finn: eW

josh: exactly bitch

finn: i really miss him tho

josh: g o
josh: t e x t
josh: h i m

finn: n O

josh: this is why ure a lil bitch

finn: stfu hoe

josh: text em

finn: no

josh: text em

finn: no

josh: do it

finn: no

josh: do it lil bitch

finn: NO

josh: ill tell u hwat finnie

finn: stfu omg

josh: text em

finn: nO

josh: at least think about it

finn: i am

josh: think about it harder

finn: fuck off

josh: fuck on
josh: jack
josh: fuck on jack

finn: we didnt even have sex???

josh: ure still a virgin???

finn: wot

josh: ure still a virgin

finn: how dya know that

josh: wELL
josh: u didnt get freak with jack and u havent dated anyone since even tho now ure like this mega rockstar that models with gucci

finn: stfu

josh: am i rite tho?

finn: yes bUT that doesnt mean im gonna tezt Jack

josh: tezt

finn: stfu thot fucker

josh: hoe u cant even text jaCK DYLAN GRAZER

finn: hoe fucker

josh: b i t c h

finn: i dont have any other insult

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