Hold on, I Still Want You

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The walk up to Wyatt's door was terrifying for Jack. He could hear faint sounds of life coming from the closed house if he was alone then he thinks he would just stay out on Wyatt Oleff's porch and just listen.

"Jack, you ready?" Jaeden asked stepping up onto the porch beside the shake boy.

"No...but let's do it, " Jack breathed. Jaeden snorted before reaching forward and ringing the doorbell. Jack almost reached out and smacked Jaeden's hand before he could reach the bell.

"Coming!" Wyatt shouted from the other side of the door. Jack felt puke start to come up his throat, he forced it down by telling himself that Wyatt would most definitely kill him if he puked all over his front door. The door swung open and Wyatt Oleff stood holding it by the handle as he immediately scowled at who waited behind it.

"Jack?!" Wyatt spat.

"And me, " Jaeden challenges Wyatt as he took a step closer to Jack, Wyatt narrowed his eyes and scowled at the two boys.

"I don't want him here, Jaeden, " Wyatt said as he grit his teeth together.

Jaeden's stare hardened, "then I guess we'll both be going, bye, Wyatt, " Jaeden spat his boyfriend's name harshly. Jaeden spun on his heels and went to walk off the Oleff's front porch.

"Jae?" A new voice entered the ending conversation. Jaeden glanced over his shoulder and smiled at the innocent Noah who stood behind Wyatt.

"Hey, Noah!" Jaeden greeted, turning back around and facing the boy.

"Hi. Jack?" Noah asked turning to the awkward boy.

"Hey, " Jack greeted in a small voice. Wyatt's glare burning into his soul.

"Are ya'll here for the sleepover?!" Noah asked excitedly as he pushed Wyatt out of the way to talk to the two boys.

"No, we were just leaving, " Jaeden said truthfully, his gaze shifting to Wyatt.

"Why?" Noah asked honestly.

Jaeden scoffed, "Wyatt doesn't want us here."

"I never said that!" Wyatt shouted Jaeden gave no reaction to hearing him, he only stared at Noah.


Wyatt growled, "if you're gonna fucking come in then do it. You're letting the AC out." With that, Wyatt stomped into the kitchen and angrily turned on the water but neither Jaeden or Jack paid any mind to the moody boy. Noah walked with them to the living room where everyone else was. As soon as Jack's appearance was known, everyone went dead silent. The laughter stopped and the talking ceased to exist, now it was only Jack and a roomful of old friends...and Finn.

"Hey, Jack..." Chosen mumbled getting up from his seat on the ground to hug the fumbling boy.

"Hi, Chose, " Jack smiled warmly at him and accepted the hug eagerly.

Jeremy got up next and hugged the smaller boy but after that, no one else did and apart of him broke when he looked at Sophia and only caught stray fragments of hurt streaming across her freckled face.

"We were just about to play truth or dare..." Millie trailed off awkwardly.

"Oh..." Jack mumbled and nervously wiggled his toes in his shoes.

Millie gave a warm smile and gestured to the pillow next to her on the floor, "you can sit next to me, Jack!" Jack's lips stretched into a grin as he thanked her profusely and took his seat next to the small girl. Jaeden sat on the other side of Jack with Chosen next to him.

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