Lullabies always make me cry

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Ninety-nine percent of Finn's feelings right now was vomit. The other one percent was tears racing to be the first dripped out of his onyx colored eyes. He wasn't exactly sure which percent of him would win but he was sure if Jack didn't go away right this instance then the taste of bile would burn his throat until he could get back to Wyatt's house to brush his teeth.

"Finn..." Jack breathed once he noticed him, his eyes wide and his lips parted in what looked to be a frozen gasp. The frozen spell lasted until someone cleared their throat snapping both Finn and Jack out of their dazed state. "What are you doing here?" Jack asked his gaze set on Finn and no one else.

Before he could answer himself, Wyatt interrupted Finn, "he's visiting us." Jack's gaze darted to Wyatt, his stare filled with a sense of regret as his eyes swept through the crowd of friends. His eyes once again rested on Finn's paler than usual face, and regret filled his stomach.

"Oh... I'm sorry I didn't know."

Wyatt scoffed, "yeah that was the whole point."

Jack's stomach flipped violently, the butterflies in his stomach punched against his esophagus and a California king snake was constricting around his lungs, he couldn't escape. But, Jack thinks that even if he could he wouldn't. He wouldn't miss the chance to study Finn's freckles, he wouldn't miss the chance to watch his lips push and pull into shapes, he wouldn't miss Finn's eyes softening and widening at the smallest of things. He wouldn't miss it because he couldn't subject himself to the torture of not staying long enough to study Finn Wolfhard.

"Come on, " Wyatt mumbled, and the entire group but two followed that being Finn and Jaeden. After a full ten seconds of watching Jack Dylan Grazer be shell-shocked, Finn had turned around and trailed behind Millie and Caleb, half-heartedly listening to their conversation.

"Jack..." Jaeden mumbled his heart going out to his best friend of fourteen years. Jack's eyes flickered to Jaeden, his stomach rumbled with emptiness when their gaze connected. Once he was back down to earth, Jack groaned loudly and plopped himself onto the nearby bench.

"What, Jae?" Jack called, his head dropped towards his knees.

Jaeden sighed loudly, he hated everything about this. About everything. Jack has been his best friend since Kindergarten but he has also been a douche-bag. Finn didn't deserve the kind of treatment he's been getting but was it really the answer to just drop Jack right out of his life. "We're going to see The Prodigy and I have ten extra dollars...if you wanted to go that is..." Jack's head popped up and grinned widely at his best friend.

"Please!" Jack begged Jaeden smiled softly at the enthusiast before gesturing for him to follow him. "Thanks, Jae!" Jack said as he walked alongside Jaeden.

As fortune had it, one of the last seats in the movie theater had just so happened to be on the very end of their row right next to one of the group's reserved seats. Jack had said 'thank you' half a million times and had sworn that he would pay Jaeden back as soon as he sees him again, Jaeden didn't worry much and just dismissed him.

As soon as the two late boys walked into the movie theater the previews began. The small bucket of popcorn that Jaeden had offered Jack was pinched between the smaller boy's two fingers as they both climbed the small steps up to the middle last row. Jack's heart fluttered in his chest when he noticed that Finn's seat had just so happened to be right next to Jack's - Jack had made a mental note to thank God. Jaeden sat on the other side of Finn right next to Wyatt, his seating choice wasn't very wise considering as soon as Jack and he had walked in Wyatt glared at both of them.

Jack hesitantly flipped his seat down and sat awkwardly, his arms were folded into his lap seeking as to how he was too intimidated to place his arm on the armrest. From the moment Jack sat down, Finn was tense his gaze was fixed onto the screen and his breathing was shallow and rapid. The few times that Jack glanced over to him from the corner of his eye had his stomach clenching painfully.

Jack sucked in a deep breath and turned to Finn causing the boy to look nervously in his direction, "I'm glad you're here, Finn." The said boy felt his cheeks heat up immensely, he was sure that marshmallows could be roasted against them. He cleared his throat and thanked the other boy before turning back towards the screen not knowing what else to say.

During the first ten minutes of The Prodigy, Jack was attempting to gain any kind of attention from Finn, he wiggled around in his seat and ate his popcorn a tad bit too messy. The taller boy didn't acknowledge him at all, which just caused Jack to try harder. Finally, once ten minutes had passed to twenty Jack hesitantly tapped against Finn's arm causing the boy to flinch harshly.

"It's just me!" Jack whispered quietly, "do you want some popcorn?" Jack held out the half eaten bucket to Finn in a tempting way. Finn nodded slightly and took a single kernel and popped it into his mouth, letting the buttery corn to slide around before swallowing. "You can have more, ya' know?"

"No thank you, " Finn mumbled, trying his hardest to not look at Jack.

"Okay..." Jack trailed off. His confidence withered away as each minute passed and suddenly he was no longer invested in Finn but the movie.

Once the movie was over, Wyatt made a big show of gathering everybody up and rushing them towards the other aisle and down into the exit, leaving Jack by himself while the credits rolled and his girlfriend texted him.

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