~all the time this ghost of you~

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"Jack," Finn whispered as soon as Allie's lips separated from his. The curly haired boy stared intently at the girl before letting his eyes widen. "JACK!"

His head whipped to their towels and spotted no one, he felt his heart beat erratically. His lungs close up on instinct, like oxygen was something foreign, something acidic.

He wasn't prepared for the sight. Finn Wolfhard could never prepare for the sight of heartbreak, especially since he was the one who caused it. Standing across the side walk, stood Jack Dylan Grazer, crying. His brown hair drifted softly in the wind, mocking him for his mistakes. His hands clenching into fists before unclenching, Finn swore he could see Jack punching him. The one thing Finn never wanted to imagine stomped at his brain; Jack's dark eyes breaking at the feeling of tears.

"Jack..." Finn mumbled. Said boy broke their eye contact and looked down at the sandy concrete. Finn watched him take a shuddering breath before Jack sprinted away. Before Finn could comprehend what was happening, he was chasing down the faster boy. He urged his legs to pump harder, to be faster. Growling, Finn pushed his feet roughly in the ground, he was gaining speed and he could feel the grains of sand dig into his bare feet but he couldn't be bothered.

Jack had sprinted down the boardwalk hoping to catch the bus before Finn could catch him. His feet pounding into the splintered boards, while his heart raced harshly through his chest. "JACK!!!" Finn shouted from behind him. Jack's chest puffed as he forced himself to drag out the chase, Finn Wolfhard was not the person he wanted to see right now.

"Go away!" He wheezed as his lungs had to pump extra air out, making them work 2x as much.

Jack skidded to a stop at the bus stop, unfortunately for him the bus wasn't there. "Jack!" Finn panted as he caught up, his chest heaving aggressively as his lung fought for oxygen.

"Don't talk to me." Jack spat, his own chest pumping but not as fiercely .

Finn hugged and puffed, before breathing, "Jack please! She kissed me!"

"And what about you saying I was your friend!" Jack demanded, his voice raising.

"I- I panicked!"

"You know how people would look at me if they saw us together?!" Finn shouted, but as soon as the words spilled out of his mouth, he felt regret fill into his stomach.

Jack stared at him, nothing gleamed in his eyes and no tears came flooding. In that moment, Finn realized that Jack looked pale, if he looked close enough he was sure that he could see the street through Jack's torso. "You're ashamed of me." It was less of a question and more of an answer.

"No! I-." The navy blue bus pulled to a stop in front of Jack, its glass doors with black rubber lining sighed as they opened. Jack spared a glance to the bus' driver.

"Goodbye, Finn," Jack bit out, climbing onto the metal tube, his shoes still at the beach along with his shirt.

"Where ya off to, kid?"


"That'll be twenty dollars."

"Here ya go, sir."

Sorry this is so late I've been uber busy lately and uh on thursday I watched my grandma die which was super hard breaking and ive been super depressed since. I'm going to bring this story back and I'm gonna rev it up and give ya a couple plot twists 😝

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