I Swore To Love You All My Life

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"Okay, last spin guys then lets watch a movie, " Jeremy proposed to which everyone agreed.

Finn reached forward and spun the bottle quickly. The glass went around in circles for what seemed like forever before suddenly stilling in between Jack and Millie. "What now?" Finn asked quietly turning towards Caleb who suggested the game.

Caleb shrugged, "you get to pick who you kiss, I guess." Finn's face flew up into flames, there was no way he could pick! If he picked Millie then it would be super awkward but if he picked Jack then he would have to kiss Jack! That was obviously a problem itself.

"I don't wanna pick!" Finn exclaimed glancing to Wyatt and Jaeden on the couch. The tallest boy secretly prayed that Wyatt would swoop in and save him from this decision but Wyatt only shrugged.

"Come on, Finn, pick!" Sophia urged, her pointer finger tapping softly against her cheek.

Finn groaned loudly and shut his eyes thinking. He had kissed Jack before but they were fighting, or at least Finn thought they were. But if he kissed Millie it would be way too awkward, Millie was like a sister and she was in love with Sophia! Finn opened his eyes and huffed, locking eyes with Jack he gulped. "Jack..."

"SEVEN MINUTES IN HEAVEN!" Millie shouted and everyone agreed screaming and cheering, even Wyatt laughed.

Finn groaned and stood up slowly from his seat, his cheeks were a nice cherry red that matched Jack's perfectly. The two boys walked hesitantly towards the closet, neither stepped in until Millie shoved them both in causing Finn to whack his elbow onto the door frame. He hissed in pain, Jack -who was pushed in much more gently- glanced nervously at the boy in concern before darting his gaze towards the floor.

"Finn..." Jack trailed off no longer confident enough to talk to the curly haired boy.

Finn hummed but his gaze was still pinned to the door handle waiting for the seven minutes to be up.

"I'm sorry, " Jack whispered his gaze not leaving the floor even after Finn's eyes slowly moved to his face.

Finn sighed, "for what?"

Jack cleared his throat and shifted his weight, "everything... Ellie, me, just everything I've ever done wrong."

Finn stared at Jack, his mouth gaped as he tried to figure out what to say. What do you say to something like that? "I- I forgive you..."

Jack looked up and slowly began to smile softly at him. "Thank you, Finn."

"It's...no problem..." Finn breathed feeling the weight of his unspoken words crushing his chest and squeezing his heart mercilessly.

Jack let a puff of breath exhale from his lungs and escape softly through his mouth. Finn studied Jack's face without shying away for once, the boy in front of him was beautiful, so much in fact that even his faults radiated beauty. The eighteen-year-old couldn't find the words to say to such a boy.

"I sometimes wish that we were still fifteen..." Jack admitted, his eyes becoming glossy as his nose tingled.

Finn let a laugh puff out of his nose, "yeah, me too." As the seemingly never-ending minutes drones on, the two ex-lovers leaned against opposing walls reminisced on what felt to be a passed life they had spent together in a bottomless love.

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