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Peter didn't want to open his sore, tired eyes; his body was riddled with pain. All he wished for was to be lost again in unconsciousness, his throbbing head however kept him from slipping back into the tranquil darkness found deep within his mind. A few short moments later, the eerie silence brought him back to reality, his eyes snapped open and he slowly lifted his head. He gasped at the sight of metal protruding from his stomach, his hands manoeuvred around the foreign object, around the horribly bleeding wound.

"Ah Shit." He groaned through a clenched jaw, pain ripping its way through him as he breathed. But each breath refused to fill his lungs properly, and soon he found himself gasping for air, only a few sips of smoke entered his lungs. A blackness creped at the edge of his vison as he slowly suffocated.

"Peter!" He could hear someone call, his lips moved to reply but all that came out was a desperate wheeze. Soon his previous wish was granted, he lost conciseness as he tired one last time to take air into his tortured lungs.


"Sound off!" Rocket shouted unbuckling himself, Spark flew all around him.

"I am unharmed." Drax replied having been thrown from his seat, he cradled an unharmed Groot in the palm of his large grey hand, the little guy seemed to be fighting back tears.

"I am Groot." He whimpered

"I'm alright!" Gamora called from bellow. "Quill?" She then shouted after a few moments of silence. "Peter!?" Rocket and Drax wasted no time rushing down to Gamora's aid. The ship was a wreck, a large hole had been torn in its side, a luscious green forest sat just beyond their wreckage.

"He was in the engine room." Rocket announced, whipping open the latch that led down into the belly of the ship. Smoke poured out as soon as it was able, an intense heat accompanied the thick lung killing creature. Rocket backed away, his eyes quickly stared around the destroyed room, looking for something particular. His warm brown eyes locked on to the emergency air canister. Without thinking he snatched it up in his little paws, before diving down into the darkness of the square, smoke infested hole.

"Can you see him?" Gamora called from above, Drax was holding her arm, preventing her from going in after Peter herself. All Rocket had to guide him was the flames spewing out from the engines, which where now all ablaze. The murderous black smoke was being produced quicker than it could pour out, leaving the room engulfed. "Rocket!" She called angrily. Rocket didn't reply having to save his breath, only taking a sip from the air canister when needed. In the corner of his eyes he spotted the orange flames refection on Peter's red jacket. He launched over to his side, he couldn't help but gasp in a breath of smoke, the sight of the metal sticking out of Peter's stomach frightening him to his core. Rocket coughed the smoke back out quickly, before taking a deep breath of fresh air from the canister. He placed the fresh flowing air to Peter's lips. The Racoon sat there for a minute not knowing what to do, his eyes stung from not just the smoke but unbearable heat. Rocket took the air canister from Peter taking a quick breath before returning it. He couldn't even tell if he was breathing. Rocket not wanting to waste anymore time, put his arms under Peter's armpits and tried to tug him towards the square light in the ceiling, where the smoke was rushing out into the open air. Each time he tugged, Peter remained in place, something having him pinned. He rushed over to his feet to find a large metal pipe over one of his legs. Rocket slipped his little arms under the pipe, his oxygen starved muscles could barely lift it. Failing to lift the pipe he slouched over Peter's legs, exhausted. He tired desperately to crawl back over the air canister, which had rolled away in Rocket's attempts to move his injured friend. He crumbled to the floor before he reached it.

'Well done Rocket.' He thought to himself, 'This is what you get for trying to save the stupid Terran' Rocket struggled to hold his breath, his lungs begged him to take even the smallest of breaths. The extreme heat, lack of oxygen and the sound of flames crackling in his sensitive ears prevented him from noticing a large arm lift him from the ground. He didn't realize until he was hung over someone's shoulder. His ears just managed to pick up the sound of something large being dragged across the floor, then suddenly he was flying through the air, delicate hands caught him and Rocket was able to take a well needed deep breath of clean air. The light around him blinding as he opened his stinging eyes.

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