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Groot couldn't help but cover his eyes as Peter cried out in terrible pain. From his position on the fallen tree, though his small finger's he could see Rocket plunge a needle into Peter's wound. His friend's agony brought Groot to tears.

"Groot, go get a stick or somethin', for him to bite down on!" Rocket ordered as he continued to stich up Peter's horrifically bleeding wound. "Groot!" Rocket shouted at the small trees hesitation. Groot quickly dropped from the tree trunk, his little legs rapidly placing one foot in front of the other. He snatched up the first stick he could find; it was as tall has him. Taking in one hand he dragged it behind him as quickly as he could, the uneven surface was like an obstacle course for the little guy. Once in arm reach Rocket rudely snatched the stick from Groot, presenting it in front on the groaning human. Peter bit down hard into the stick, struggling to fight the pain. "You've gotta stay awake Quill. You sleep, you die." Rocket put simply as he stabbed the burning needle into Peter's flesh, over and over. Each time he could feel Peter's body tense in agony.

"I'm... Trying." Peter managed to say, his jaw still locked down on the stick. his eyes fluttering, his mind desperate to get away from the intense pain.

"Almost done." Rocket announced, his little hands shaking as he pulled the wire thread tight, pulling Peter's wound slowly closed. "Eyes on me Quill, stay awake!" Rocket shouted as he plunged the needle back in, he had noticed the human staring off into the distance, eyes focusing on nothing. Peter cried out one last time as Rocket pulled the last of the wound closed, he tied the wire off, using his teeth to cut off the excess. Peter weakly spat out the stick, fighting to keep his head upright.

"How's it looking" Peter trailed off, his breaths where short and rapid.

"it's a work of art." Rocket admired the mess on Peter's stomach, before pouring some cooling water over the irritated skin, washing what blood away he could without having to touch the wound. Dropping the bottle to one side he placed his hand to Peter's grey forehead, he was cold and clammy. Rocket then placed two fingers to Peters neck, his pulse was rapid just like his breathing and he could feel Peter shaking. "Peter?" Rocket snapped his fingers at Peter as he stared off into the distance, he was unresponsive. "Peter!" Rocket pulled Peter's face to one side, forcing Peter to look at him. But he just stared through him, it was as if he wasn't there. "Fuuuuck!" Rocket growled.

"I am Groot?"

"He's in shock." Rocket barked, fed up with their misfortune. Snatching up the empty bottle on the floor Rocket was about to head over to the river when a sudden movement from the woods around them froze him in place, his ears twitched nervously as he scanned the surrounding area. "We can't stay here." He knew they needed to keep moving, their pursuers where closing in. It wasn't like they where that hard to track, Peter had bled out enough blood for them to follow. Rocket rushed off to the river filling the bottle before shoving it into the rucksack, he proceeded to cram all their supplies back in. Purposely being careful with Peter's Walkman, before zipping up the bag and slinging it over his shoulder. By Peter's side still sat the devise he had crafted the night before, taking it in his hands he simply flicked at switch and a red light blinked on. Rocket couldn't help but smile when the device indicated a familiar signal off in the distance. "Greenie." The signal was coming from down river.

"I am Groot?" the little tree climbed onto Rocket's shoulder as he approached Peter.

"Where not out of the woods yet." Rocket replied as he tired to encourage Peter to stand by pulling on his arms. "Literally." He added taking a quick look around before helping Peter balance against the fallen tree and to his feet.


"Up river, back to the Milano. That's are best chance of finding them" Gamora stated, her eyes locked on the waterfall in the distance.

"If you say so, I will trust your judgement" Drax replied as they started there journey up river. Gamora could hear Drax limping behind her, his feet dragging across the small stones. It had been close but they had managed to loose their attackers, just. However, after Drax had been thrown against a tree by a blast, they had both watched in horror as the ship turned back towards the Milano. She could only hope that Rocket had managed to get Peter far away from the crash sight. She thought back to how she had last seen him, bleeding out from the life threatening wound in his stomach. Gamora closed her tired eyes for a second, trying to banish the thought. They had walked through the night, neither one had slept. Coming across the river had been a blessing, they had managed to refuel and rest for a few minutes. But now they where back on the move, heading up river. Gamora's attention suddenly was pulled to her belt, a red light was flashing on her communicator.

"I thought you couldn't get a signal?" Drax questioned as Gamora took it in hand.

"Rocket? Peter?" She called into the device.

"About Bloody time!" Rockets voice was fuelled with frustration.

"Rocket! Where are you, is Peter ok?"

"Oh thanks Greenie, me and Groot are fi – Quill careful!" the sudden concern in his voice sent a cold shiver down her spine, she caught a glimpse of worry plastered over Drax's face.


"I managed to close the wound, but he's still in a bad way. He's lost a lot of blood."

"Where are you?"

"heading down river towards you, we've got my old buddies on our tail."

"How do you know were we are?" Gamora questioned, as they continued there journey up river, the pace having quickened.

"Magic." Rocket sarcastically replied.

"I didn't know the rodent had such abilities." Instead of explaining Rocket's sarcasm to Drax, Gamora simply sighed.

"I managed to salvage some parts from the ship and modify my communicator – Shit, I've got to go. Hurry, Quills in a bad way." And with that he cut off, Gamora watched the light on the communicator go out before returning it to her belt.

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