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The remaining embers on the fire sizzled, the strong smell of burnt wood wisped around. Before Gamora even opened her eyes, she ran her fingers through Peter's hair. He was cold, to cold. Gamora still half asleep slowly opened her eyes, hunger gnawed at her stomach. She gazed at Peter for a while, the sight of his icy white skin sickening. Her fingers brushed up to his neck, feeling for a pulse. It was weak, but there.

"Peter?" Gamora tapped his face, his eyes scrunched weakly. He was in pain. Peter's dull tired eyes creaked open, the lifeless orbs just stared through her. He went to speak but only ended up wheezing.

"Shh it's ok, your going to be ok" Peter was dying and quickly. Gamora could see this, she had watched men and woman loose their life to many times before. She will never forget the look. The look of hopelessness, of death.

"Drax!" Gamora snatched up a rock not far from her and propelled it at Drax, who slept soundly on the other side of the fire. The rock stuck him in the head, he drew his blades before going into a frenzy, attacking the air around him. "Drax!" She called again, Gamora tapped Peter's face trying to keep him awake. Drax turned to her, breathing heavily. Beads of sweat had only slightly formed on his exposed torso. Drax suddenly held his breath, the look on Gamora's face terrifying. "He's fading" Gamora told him, there was a layer of pure fear under her calm voice.

"What's going on?" Rocket grumbled as he was pulled from a deep sleep. Groot still slept happily curled up in his fur.

"Rocket get the bag together, where leaving" Gamora unwillingly let go of Peter as Drax took his arms and heaved him over his shoulder, being sure not to disturb the wound to much.

"What's happening!" Rocket jumped to his feet, the fur on one side of his face flat. He grabbed Groot sitting him on his shoulder before cramming stuff back into the rucksack. Peter's lifeless face was all the reply he got. Drax spotted Gamora staring at the still tied up bounty hunter, he caught her gaze.

"You know what to do" Drax looked over at the bounty hunter.

"Rocket" Drax called, already heading into the woods.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Rocket grabbed the now repaired Walkman before following Drax into the woods. Gamora approached the struggling alien.

"Just me and you now" Gamora smiled, she steadily drew her sword enjoying the sight of her blade extending.


Rocket watched each struggling breath Peter took, just expecting him to suddenly stop, to give up. A sudden scream from behind them caused Rocket's ears to stand straight and a cold shiver to run down his spine. The pain driven scream silenced the forest. Rocket and Groot looked up at Drax, but he just turned to them slowly, keeping a good hold on Peter before turning away. Gamora sudden arrival with a bloodied blade caught Rocket off guard, he staggered back. Gamora looked hurt by the action. She simply tossed a little device to Rocket.

"His communicator, you should be able to track the others with this right?" Gamora again used a tree to get most of the blood off her deadly weapon before retracting the blade and putting the hilt back on her belt "He said that most of them will be guarding our ship, as well as their own." Gamora knelt by Drax again putting two fingers to Peter's neck checking his pulse. Rocket got to work pulling the rucksack from his back, He retrieved the device he had created before to track Gamora and Drax. This time instead of his own communicator he hooked up the bounty hunters. The device instantly began to receive a strong signal to the left of them. "Lead the way." Gamora stood, looking down at Rocket. The raccoon retrieved his bag before following the signal, not wanting to ask what had become of the bounty hunter Gamora had been left with. His fate was all to clear.

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