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"This is your fault Greenie." Rocket excused as they followed Peter's trail through the forest.

"I think he's still mad at you." Drax informed Gamora as she knelt down examining a boot print in the fresh earth. She delicately placed two fingers in the centre of the print, she pulled her fingers back examining the soil on the tips of her fingers closely

"There's two trails." Gamora announced as she stood, brushing the dirt off her fingers.

"last time I checked there was only one of him?" Rocket joked as he approached Gamora and Drax

"two trails, one going off here." Gamora pointed, giving time for the others to follow her finger. The trail she pointed to was messy whoever had gone this way didn't care if they where followed. "The other there." Gamora pointed to the other trail, the disturbed shrubbery was a clear sign something had been that way, having only veered off the original trail slightly it was still going in the same direction. "You follow that trail; I'll follow this one." Gamora began to head down the trail with the clear boot prints.

"How comes you get to follow the boot prints?" Rocket questioned still angry at her choice of actions from earlier.

"Because if this is Peter." Gamora pointed to the fresh boot prints in the dirt. "He's being hunted." Gamora replied over her shoulder, the shoulder that Groot wasn't happily perched upon. She took the small tree off her shoulder, delicately she put him on the ground, before rushing off out of sight.


"Boy, sit back down." Yondu shouted as Peter attempted to pull himself up. His blood soaked fingers slipping on the smooth barked tree.

"Gamora... Rocket..." Peter mumbled out of breath, as he continued to try get to his feet.

"Can take care of themselves."

"What and I can't?" Peter asked offended as he only just managed to get up on one knee.

"No you can't, look at yourself." Peter sluggishly looked himself up and down as he struggled to keep his balance on one knee.

"Whatever." Peter replied before continuing with the struggle to get himself standing.

"Whatever!" Yondu shot to his feet, yanking Peter by his top he got him standing. "You need to learn to look after yourself." Yondu bit his lip trying to hold back what he was about to say. "I died for you!" Yondu couldn't help but shout as he struggled to keep Peter, who was refusing to look at him, on his feet. "I died for YOU!" Yondu again shouted, shaking Peter by his shoulders.

"I KNOW!" Peter screamed locking eyes with Yondu, tears streamed from his eyes. "I know!" Peter slipped from Yondu's grasp and collapsed to the floor. On his knees Peter went to fall forward when strong hands balanced him, his head hung in guilt.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Peter repeated over and over. With one hand Yondu balanced Peter with the other he lifted his head, making his eyes meet his own. "I didn't want you to die, I didn't want you to die, I never wanted you to die." Peter babbled, he was to weak to pull away from Yondu's gaze.

"I know, but I did, for you." Yondu told him as tears poured out of Peter's eyes onto Yondu's blue hand. "And I wouldn't change a thing, what happened, happened." Peter stared deep into his foster father's eyes. "And I would do it all again in a heartbeat." Yondu let Peter's head drop onto his shoulder as he sobbed uncontrollably.


Gamora was running at a steady pace. Her eyes fixated on the trail, studying every inch of the path before her. Easily she easily followed the boot prints. Her eyes locked on a tree in front of her, she grinded to a halt. A bloody hand print dripped from the tree trunk.

"Whatever." A voice mumbled nearby. Gamora dashed past a few more trees, bursting through some shrubbery she found Peter at the base of a tree, struggling to get to his feet.

"Peter!" She called running straight up to him, she grabbed his top pulling him to his feet.

"Peter are you alright?" Gamora asked, Peter seemed to be refusing eye contact. "Peter what's wrong? Peter?!"

"I KNOW!" Peter suddenly screamed locking eyes with Gamora. "I know!" Peter slipped from Gamora's grasp and crumbled into a heap on the floor. Gamora dropped to the ground and quickly balanced him, stopping Peter from tumbling forward off his knees.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm sorry." Peter repeated over and over as his head hung. Gamora still balancing Peter used another hand to lift his head. "I didn't want you to die, I didn't want you to die, I never wanted you to die." Peter babbled. Gamora was taken back at first, just staring into Peter's eyes.

"Peter it's me, Gamora." Gamora had a feeling it wasn't her Peter was seeing or talking to. "Peter it's going to be ok." Gamora comforted as tears dripped onto the hand that was holding up his head. Gamora let Peter's head rest on her shoulder, she held him tightly as he sobbed into her shoulder. They sat like that for a few minuets, Peter's head draped over her slender but muscular shoulder. As she held him she started to feel him tremble. At was if he was shivering.

"Peter?" Gamora gently asked into his ear. All of a sudden the little shiver Gamora could feel Peter experiencing turned into a full blown seizure. She didn't know whether to hold him tighter or let him go. She could feel his muscles contorting, fighting to be free of her hold.

"Peter! Peter!" Gamora cried as Peter spasmed. Thinking fast she lowered his head as slowly as she could to the ground. It shook violently, his limbs thrashed around. She straddled him, pinning his arms to the ground. With her hands wrapped round Peter's wrists she could feel his heart racing, and she could see his chest rapidly rising and falling. She stared down at his convulsing body, an unknown fear coursing through her veins.

"Peter please!" She now begged, she sat holding him down, helpless to make whatever was happening to him stop. As if her prayers where answered Peter slowly settled, through the grip on his wrists Gamora could feel his heart rate slowing. She could see his breathing beginning to calm.

"Peter can you hear me?" Gamora asked tapping Peter lightly on the face, his eyes flickered open but it was clear he was unaware of his surroundings.

"Yondu?" Peter mumbled, his eyes struggling to stay open, his limbs dead weight. His whole body just exhausted from the seizure that had swarmed his body.

"No Peter." She replied sympathetically as she pulled him up off his back and into a hug.

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