The Past

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Time was strange as Peter slipped in and out of consciousness, he remembered numbness, his legs refusing to do their job. He remembered crawling, he defiantly remembered crawling.

'Was that a voice?' Peter's muddled mind struggled to process information. Pain, that's defiantly pain. Even with a weight on his right arm it still jolted upright, knocking whatever weighed it down off. Peter could feel someone slip their arms under his. 'Here we go again.' His bewildered mind managed to get a thought together, as he was dragged across small smooth stones. Something cool suddenly glided across his body, his shivering form worsening. He was freezing, it felt like someone had pulled him into ice. He could feel small hands trying to avoid the gash on the back of his head as they kept his face out the Ice-cold water. A panic suddenly sent through him, the water every now and then lapped over his chest. He managed to pull himself back on the edge of consciousness. He had cried out for his Walkman and that tape it held within, a gift that was the last act of love his mum had been able to express. A voice spoke, the owner lost in his mind. He was able to comprehend one word. 'Safe.' That was enough for Peter, his eyes now glued shut. The pain in his stomach which had retuned briefly, but now completely gone. His heart no longer pumped enough blood to his limbs for them to function, they where now just dead weight in the water.

"Peter." A voice called, this voice Peter recognised.

"Mum?" His lips managed to whisper before he was dragged into a realm of darkness.


Rocket hadn't been able to wake Peter, he tried everything after pulling him from the water. Yelling, slapping, even cruelly prodding his wound. No reaction, Rocket checked every few minutes to see if he was still breathing. After the lack of results Rocket did all he could, removing Peter's red jacked and bloodied shirt before hanging them over a fallen tree trunk he had dragged Peter over to. Using the rucksack, he propped Peter's head off the ground. The comfortable heat helped dry the soaked cloths. Rocket put his hand to Peter's forehead, sweat had already began to reform but he was considerably cooler. Rocket's eyes where dragged to the sky as the sun suddenly began to disappear behind some trees. The red ball of fire let down a gentle orange glow down onto the planet. Three moons starting to creep into the sky, the water that calmly splashed near by brought to life by the setting sun as Rocket collected fire wood nearby.


"Peter." A voice called through the darkness.

"Mum?" He recognised the voice immediately. He could suddenly feel a surface beneath his feet, as a light emerged in the distance. "Mum!" Peter called with joy as a figure stepped out from the light. He rushed over to her, breaking into a sprint.

"No!" She screamed at him, one hand outstretched. He grinded to a halt, he was close enough to see the tears on her face. The bright yellow light behind her angelic.

"Mum I've missed you!" Peter called, his own tears dripping down his face, but his voice unfamiliar in a way.

"Turn round Peter." She begged, her emotions getting the better of her. "Turn round Pete" Peter only then noticed something was off, he was much shorter and when he looked at his small delicate hands he understood. He was a kid again, crying for his mother.

"But Mum!" He cried out dropping to his knees. "I love you." He whimpered

"I love you too, my little Star-Lord." She cried back as she slipped back into the light. Peter had to fight the urge to chase her, instead he let his head hang low and closed his weeping eyes.


Peter woke alarmed, he launched up into a sitting potion, he stomach then exploded with pain sending him back down. His already damaged head hit hard against the rucksack.

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