Family Feud

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"I'm telling you, it's this way!"

"And I'm telling you, your wrong!"

Peter's eyes sluggishly opened, the raised voices stirring him from his slumber. He was still dangled over Drax's back, he still felt like shit, and Gamora and Rocket where still arguing. Something's never change. Peter groaned as his wound throbbed with a new wave of pain, the infection had been kept at bay with the earlier use of the disinfectant and adrenalin. But now it was all out of his system, all gone. Leaving the infection to take control once again. Sweat soaked his face, dripping from the tips of his dirty dark blond hair. His eyes struggled to focus on anything, his thoughts where fuzzy and unclear. However, one thing was clear, his side hurt like a bitch. Even in his weak feverish state he attempted to be free of Drax's grasp, but Drax held strong. Peter's unrestfulness nothing new, he had learnt his lesson when Peter had jolted suddenly, some sort of spasm of pain had riddled his body, he had soon settled. Peter lifted his head slowly.

"Yondu?" He barely whispered. His throat was dry, his tongue like sandpaper. The blue Centaurian was nowhere to be seen. Rocket and Gamora's argument continued in the background, Drax seemed to be waiting patiently for it to come to an end. Peter scanned the never ending forest for Yondu, after he couldn't spot a single shade of blue he let his head go limp. He squeezed his eyes shut, fighting the waves of pain that come and go. Tears of agony dripped from his eyes onto the forest floor.

"I am Groot?" Peter forced his eyes open, pushing the temptation to sleep just a little to the side. His tired, glassy eyes locked with Groot's bellow him. The little tree curiously tilted his head at him. "I am Groot?" He asked again. Peter couldn't make sense of what Groot was saying normally, with everything that happened there was no way he could even attempted to try and figure out what he was saying now.

"He's asking if your alright." A familiar voice echoed in his ear, Peter's head shot up, fighting back the sensation to be sick as his eyes locked on Yondu, crouching right in front of him at eye level.

"Do I look alright." Peter sighed, his condition now just becoming an annoyance.

"You've got to keep fighting boy."

"You keep saying that but – urhh." Peter was cut off by another wave of intense pain. He attempted to curl in on himself, Drax's body remained in the way. A few more tears dripped from his eyes, Groot stepped out the way letting them hit the ground and sink into the earth between the strands of grass. "But why?" Peter finshed.

"Why?" Yondu laughed, showing his beautiful teeth in all their glory. Yondu took Peter's face in his hands, helping keep his head up. "Because I didn't die so you can go get yourself killed some other time." Yondu tapped Peter on the side of the face. "You need to live for the both of us boy." Peter couldn't help but close his eyes, this time tears of sadness escaped from behind his eye lids.

"Peter?" Peter reopened his eyes, this time to find Gamora holding his face in front of hers. Just like Yondu had just been doing. "Peter?" Gamora tapped his face again trying to get his attention as he stared aimlessly into her eyes.

"Gamora?" He questioned, wondering if his mind was just messing with him again. She smiled, her teeth defiantly an improvement from Yondu's.

"Did you make out any of the gibberish he was saying?" Gamora asked, breaking eye contact to look at someone out of his filed of vison.

"I think he said 'why?', however I am unsure." Drax replied readjusting his grip on Peter.

"Put him down for a sec." Gamora ordered, letting go of Peter's head and allowing it to hang.

"Gamora we need to keep moving." Rocket argued.

"I just want to check his wound."

Drax did as he was told and lowered Peter as slowly to the ground as possible, Gamora supported his head as Drax laid Peter down onto the green grass. Rocket approached with a worried Groot on his shoulder, him and Drax watched as Gamora lifted his bloodied shirt. She just wanted to drop it back down and forget what she had just seen, instead she examined the red inflamed dying flesh around the wound.

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