Close Call

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The next morning Rocket awoke to the crackling of burnt wood. Curled up with his tail wrapped around him, he slowly opened his eyes. Reluctantly he unravelled himself, stretching once he stood. He turned to Peter, right where he had left him. Both hands rested on his wound, his shoulders against the tree, his head laid back. He looked peaceful. Rocket could feel hunger gnawing at his stomach, as he watched Groot quietly snore. He growled back at his hunger as he approached the river, he cupped the clear water sipping it from his hands. Before rubbing his face with what remained, in an attempt to fully wake himself. His fur dried quickly, the pleasant warming sun beaming down graciously. Rocket made his way back over to Peter, nearby sat the device Rocket had been working on last night. The signal booster was almost ready, the jumble of wires and parts was linked to his own communicator, and soon he would be able to attempt to contact the others.

"Star-Tard, rise and shine." Rocket kicked Peter in the leg as he examined the work of art he had created. "Quill?" Rocket put his device down and examined Peter a little closer. With both hands on his shoulder rocket shook his friend. "Dip-shit." No response. He put an ear to Peter's chest, blocking out all background noise, he listened. Silence. Acting quickly Rocket flung himself over to the rucksack. He ripped through the bag until his hands found what he was looking for. The syringe shook in his hand as Rocket double checked the label. He leapt over to Peter and on top of his chest, before plunging the syringe of adrenalin into his heart.

"No no no, Quill!" The raccoon screamed, his hands on either side of the pale humans face. Rocket could feel the mans stubble pricking through his fur, brushing against his soft hands. Peter lay motionless, syringe still in his chest. "Quill!" Rocket took frantic breaths, watching his friend, eyes twitching round his face looking for any sign of life. With anger he slapped Peter hard. "I'm gonna do a lot worse to you when your wake up Shit-Lord!" Rocket yanked the syringe out and tossed it to the side, he didn't notice Groot watching. Rocket again put his ear to Peter's chest. Rocket's face was no longer consumed by anger. "Peter?" He sobbed his head against his friends still chest, tears slid from his eyes, following his whiskers until they dripped onto Peters bloodied shirt. He scrunched his eyes before lifting his head from his friend. "Peter." Rocket couldn't help but let the tears drain from his eyes, each strand of fur guided a tear. Rocket dropped to his knees by his friend, his head hung

"I am Groot?" Rocket looked up to find Groot prodding Peter's white face, trying to wake him.

"I'm sorry buddy, I'm so sorry." Rocket cried out, he pounded his fist down on to the ground, kicking up a few stones. He didn't know who he was apologising to, Groot, maybe Peter. Both? "Peter wake up!" Rocket burst out, his sorrow converting to rage as he lunched to his feet, again kicking Peter's leg. But he didn't stay standing for long, once again his emotional pain brought him back to his knees by his friends side, the tears never ending. "Peter please." Rocket quietly sobbed, he could hear Groot crying above him. With his head hung low, he watched his tears splash against the small stones. "I wont even call you Shit-Lord anymore." Rocket tried to grasp the situation, thinking over and over how he would have to explain to the others, if the others where still alive.

"I doubt that."

Rockets eyes shot up, a glint of hope. He held his breath as he watched Peter take a painful breath, his eyes fluttering open. Without a word he flung his small arms around Peter, the man tapped Rocket reassuringly on the back, as the raccoon dug its face into Peter's shoulder. "Whoa, It's alright." Peter winced as Rocket applied pressure near his wound.

"You where dead." Rocket whimpered into Peter's shoulder.

"Well, I'm not anymore." Peter continued pat his friend on the back, Groot suddenly spread his small arms against Peter's head. "Come on Trash-Panda, I need your help." Peter coughed, Rocket pulled away his eyes dripping with tears. Rocket stood at Peter's side, attempting to wipe his soaking face with his arm. "My wound." Peter pulled up his shirt, revelling the blue shirt they had used as bandages was bright red. "We need to stitch this up, I'm loosing to much blood." Peter's eyes threatened to role back into his head, Rocket examined the wound before turning to Peter who remained pale. Rocket suddenly rushed off, grabbing the rucksack. He rummaged through it pulling out a metal component, thin loose wires tangled around it. Rocket spotted Peter eyeing it in his hand.

"If you say so, Shit-Lord."


Peter watched Rocket pour as little disinfected as he could on the thin copper wires, after a few minutes Rocket had managed to gather enough wire to try and stitch up Peter's wound.

"What are you gonna use for a needle?" Peter asked weakly, his words trailing off. He could feel the adrenalin forcing his heart to work. Rocket sat by Peter preparing the wires, his question caused him to stop. Still seated he reached over to retrieve the syringe he had used moments ago, taking a small rock in one hand he broke the needle from the syringe. Peter watched Rocket wrap the coper wire round the needle a few times, before letting the single thread hang down. Using a separate piece of wire, he secured the the main piece to the needle, resulting in the needle being thicker. This is something Peter wished he had not noticed. Rocket went to pour disinfectant on the needle but stopped, realising there was only a few drops left. Rocket gestured for peter to lift his top and reveal his wound, with the needle in one hand and the disinfectant in the other, he poured what was left onto the wound. Peter clenched his jaw fighting the pain. Rocket then turned towards the fire that he had fed, it crackled and spat as he dangled the tip of the needle into the flames.

"Rocket?" Peter hissed as the pain was getting to him.

"There's no more disinfectant Quill." Rocket preceded to dangle the thick needle into the fire. "It will also help stop the bleeding." Rocket smiled, Peter could already feel how much it was going to hurt.

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