The Ones We Love

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Gamora eyed Jacob as he checked Peter's pulse, while in the corner of her eye she could see his father eyeing her.

"Rocket, is the ship still flyable?" Gamora barely whispered, knowing the raccoons hearing would easily make out her words. She turned to him, his head shook in reply. Without having to say anymore Rocket knew what needed to be done.

"If you lot don't mind I'm just gonna pop back to the ship, few repairs to make." Rocket got up from the sofa that him and the others where sat on.

"You're not going anywhere." The man again pulled his gun from it's holster.

"Well if you want us off your planet I'm gonna need to repair the ship." Rocket approached the man, it was clear he was disturbed with something about Rocket. The man thought for a second looking to his son, before turning back to Rocket.

"Fine, all of you with me." The man ordered gesturing his gun at each of them.

"I'm not leaving Peter." Gamora argued as her and Drax both got to their feet, the man in reply loaded a bullet into the barrel of his gun.

"Dad!" Jacob interrupted, he then unwilling picked up the gun he had put to the side. "I'll be fine." He smiled, even though with a gun in his hand it felt wrong. The man sighed, obviously still not happy with the arrangement.

"You can stay, the rest of you are going back to your ship." Gamora nodded to her friends in agreement, they left with the man. Leaving only Gamora, Jacob and Peter in the room. Silence fell as Gamora sat back down, and it remained silent for a good few minutes.


"Where do you come from?" Jacob finally asked, resting his gun uncomfortably on his lap.

"Somewhere far away." Gamora quickly forced away the thought of her long lost home.

"What about your friend?" Jacob looked down a Peter, his bare chest was pale, his horrible wound bandaged.

"He is from here." Gamora replied, watching Jacob put his gun down as he fetched a blanket from a basket next to the sofa.

"Your friend said he was 'mostly' human?" Jacob delicately laid the cream blanket over Peter.

"His mother was Terran, or human as you prefer to call yourself; his father was... an alien." Gamora thought that telling the whole truth would be to much for Jacob, leaving that part about Peter's father practically being a God was probably for the best.

"Is his mum still on earth." Gamora could see Jacob was intrigued more than scared now, the opportunity for answers to good to pass up on.

"She died." Gamora looked down at her hands, the thought of another child growing up without a mother or even a loving hand to hold was painful.

"His dad?" Gamora looked up, the answer was in her eyes. Jacob looked down at Peter, sympathy plastered on his face.

"I lost my mum two years ago during the battle of New York." Jacob turned a little on his chair to face Gamora more. "She took a trip to New York, some medical conference. Bunch of Doctors getting together in one place basically." Jacob took a deep breath. "She never made it back."

"Battle of New York?" Gamora's face displayed confusion.

"You lot up in space not know about a massive alien invasion, big old wormhole in the sky raining down a crap ton of aliens. Not to mention the most recant massive blue blob taking out an entire town." Jacob sat back in his chair, having to compose his thoughts, anger brewing within.

"I'm sorry." Gamora only knew of the second event Jacob spoke of, the devastation Ego had managed to cause. Jacob again sat in silence, his eyes wondered over Peter. He watched his chest for a few seconds.

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