Land of the Living

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He knew he was alive before he even opened his eyes, he could feel his unsteady heart beneath his chest, he could feel his sore lungs inflating with each shacky breath. The aching sensation that covered his body was something he didn't feel when he was dead. A sudden sensation of someone taking hold of his wrist made him think of his mother, he could feel tears building up under his eye lids. he would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to stay there with her.

"It's weak, but I think he will pull through." An unfamiliar voice spoke, still wasn't enough to make Peter open his eyes. having had enough with everything that had happened, he just wanted to lay wherever he was and exist.

"He's crying?" Peter recognised her voice, Gamora. He didn't even notice a few tears had escaped from under his eye lids. he felt a gentle loving hand brush them away, the hand remained on his sweaty face for a few seconds before pulling away. For the first time in what felt like forever, he felt safe. Content that Gamora was somewhere close by he drifted off, this time actually peacefully, even if his heart and lungs where frail.

Peter again awoke, this time to the sound of voices and a pain in his side. he could feel someone applying pressure, he couldn't help but let a groan escape his dry lips. Still Peter kept his eyes closed, refusing to re-join the world.

"How is it?" Again Peter recognised one of his friends, Rocket.

"Could be better." Again the unfamiliar voice spoke as again Peter felt pain in his side as something was taped over his wound.

"Son you should get some rest; you've been at this for a couple of days now." Another unfamiliar voice spoke, this one deeper than the other.

"Go get some rest, we will watch him." He heard Gamora say. There was silence as the stranger hesitated.

"Call for me if anything happens." There was a sound of movement beside him.

"You hide the ship?" The deeper strange voice asked.

"Simple cloaking device, repairs are slow." Rocket yawned in reply.

"You best get some rest too." The stranger said, Peter took that as a queue for him to drift off to sleep.

Images flashed before Peter, he realised quite quickly he was reliving his memories. He felt the Milano shake beneath him, his head collided with the wall of his own ship.

"No time for a nap Shit-Lord." He heard Rocket shout adding a firm kick to the side. He remembered the blood dripping from his hand. Then black smoke filling his lungs, the roar of the fire erupting from the engines. Again he was thrown, again he hit his head. Pain, blood poured from his side, he couldn't breath. Next thing he knew he was being dragged from his own ship and then again thrown though the air. More pain, more blood.

"Quill stay with me." He heard Drax order, as much as he wanted to obey his eyes slipped closed. A slap to the face snapped them right back open. Then Rocket's voice was all he could hear.

"I told him, if he took one more step he was gonna regret it." He listened to Rocket babble. "Did he listen, of course not. Oh, the sight of forty-eight volts contorting his body was extremely satisfying." So much pain. "Much like you when we first met, its more fun when they run."

"And the moral of the story is?" He heard himself ask, his voice weak.

"Don't piss me off." The memories started to fade and blur together, pain having distorted them. "Your Mr Optimistic today."

"How you doin' Humie." Two Rockets said at the same time. He couldn't even feel the excessive amount of sweat dripping from his shivering body. Peter felt himself drop to his knees. "Quill, come on buddy, just a little further." Rocket's distorted voice begged. Suddenly he could feel water swirl around him. The world suddenly went black and his mother stood in a tunnel of light, he remembered how she had told him to turn round, tears dripped down his young face.

"I watched my Mum die because my Dad turned out to have put a tumour in her head, I was then abducted by aliens straight after." Peter smiled at Rocket, he smiled back.

"I have to put up with you." Peter turned away, looking back up at the stars. The next thing he remembered was a needle in his heart and a needle dangling over a fire. Pain again, why so much pain. Water suddenly began to fill his lungs, the serenity of his surroundings calming.

"Its not your time boy, your Mama doesn't want to see you yet." Yondu smiled, tears in his eyes. "Son, I don't want to see you yet either." Chocking on water, that's what he remembered next.

"Shut your mouth, before I shut it for you." He heard Gamora hiss, no image went along with the words, just the blackness of his eyelids.

"Oooo." Rocket taunted, "Try me bitch, I fucking dare you."

"What are you four?" Peter remembered how much his lungs hurt.

"Yeah, what's that got to do with anything?"

"Quill?" Drax kneeled by his friend.

"Medicine... Antibiotic." His side and head burned with pain.

"Peter can you hear me?" Gamora asked tapping Peter lightly on the face, his eyes flickered open.

"Yondu?" Peter mumbled. Peter quickly pushed the memory away, not wanting to think of Yondu anymore.

"He's going to die." He heard Gamora say.

"Gamora he's bleeding again!" The pain seemed to never end. Again more memories of Yondu surfaced but they where again pushed to the side.

"Peter your going to be ok, where going to get you out of this." Rocket promised, "Just hang in there." An unwanted memory suddenly pushed past his barricade.

"I can't bare to see you this way Peter." Meredith stroked her sons cold face, Peter remembered how he couldn't feel her touch. "You have to hang on." She ordered.

"Hello son." Ego stood, a look of disgust on his face. "You ruined everything, you took it all away from me." Ego planted his boot on Peter's neck, he gasped in pain. When will the pain end.

"Mum." Peter sobbed, wanting to take her in his arms. Looking back to his mother, he stared deep into her loving eyes.

"We will love you always." Peter screamed and screamed the memories of his mother and Yondu, nothing compared to the memories of the physical pain he was forced to endure. Peter's eyes shot open, having had enough of the trip down memory lane.

Pain exploded in his side as he bolted up right, it took his breath right from him. His eyes shot round the room, he felt someone place a firm hand on his shoulder. At his side sat a young man, a young human man.

"It's ok Peter calm down, your safe." The man spoke in a familiar accent. Not only that but his surroundings where also a bit all to familiar. Peter went to speak but again pain spiked in his side. he looked down to find his bare chest with some bandages taped to his side.

"Where am I?" Peter finally spat out.

"Texas... Earth."

"You've got to be kidding me." The one place Peter never wanted to return, the one place that held to much pain. Then again that planet he was just on, a lot of pain there now as well.

"My friends!" Peter attempted to swing his legs off the settee, but a spike of unbearable pain in his side stopped him half way, almost passing out again.

"Steady, You've been out for three days take take it easy." The stranger put a steady hand on his shoulder, keeping him up right.

"My friends." Peter panted, his hand over his bandaged side.

"Peter!" Peter's head shot to the side, the sight of Gamora brought a tear to his eye. He forced himself to stand, wanting to hold her in his weak arms. But his legs gave out on him, not even the stranger was quick enough to grab him. But Gamora was, she lowered him to the floor, holding him tightly. Fearing if she let go, she would loose him, this time forever.

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