Hang In There

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Peter remembered watching Yondu die in his arms, he remembered seeing the light in his eyes go out. And seeing his face again, just brought all these unwanted memories back. They sat, side by side. Waiting. Peter didn't really know what for, but he knew all he could do was wait.

"What mess you got yourself into now boy." Yondu's concern was strange, a twist on the man who once threatened to eat him. Peter stared into the emptiness around them, sifting through his mind for the answer. He didn't even notice his hand move over his completely painless wound.

"Not sure, the usual probably." Peter felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned reluctantly towards Yondu.

"I miss you boy." Yondu seemed to not want to let go of Peter's shoulder, his red eyes filling with tears.

"I... I miss you too." Peter was setback by Yondu's words, not once had they been uttered from his blue lips.

"I don't want to see you back here." Peter was suddenly pulled to his feet, Yondu clasped Peter's face with both hands. Studying every inch like he had done before, as the cold of space sucked the life from him.

"Yondu, what's going on?" Peter struggled to get his head round what was going on, his thoughts where clouded.

"Your Mama wanted you to know that she loves you very much, and that she is so proud of you." Peter watched a couple of tears drip down Yondu's cheek. "Peter you where like a son to me, I know I didn't always do right by you, and I'm sorry for that."


"I care about you boy." Just as Peter went to reply the palm of Yondu's hand whipped across Peter's face. darkness took his visons but his eyes suddenly abruptly opened revealing familiar faces staring down at him, he was pushed onto his side as he began to cough up water.


Gamora and Drax had been trying to bring Peter back for what felt like hours, it was the longest few minuets of there life. But the sudden painful gasp that escaped peters blue tainted lips brought a smile to everyone face, Gamora let tears of joy glide down her beautiful green cheeks. Peters now utterly destroyed lungs worked hard to dispose of the water that was trapped within. After Peter had finished hacking up the lakes water he lay back exhausted, barley awake.

"Quill, can you hear me?" Rocket practically shouted into his ear.

"I'm alive, aren't I?" Peter mumbled, he could now feel his wound throbbing under his filthy top.

"For now, yes." Gamora smiled, still trying to catch her breath.

"Gamora above us!" Drax shouted launching to his feet. The bounty hunter that had caused Peter and Rocket to dive from the waterfall looked down at them with two of his allies, all three had their guns pointed at them. Drax pulled one dagger from his boot and sent it spiralling towards one of there attacker, it imbedded itself in the mans neck before he could get a shot off. His friend watched as he tumbled down the cliff and hitting the smooth stoned river bank hard. The other two opened fire, Rocket threw himself on top of Peter. Gamora pulled two small blades from her belt, and with precision launched each one at the same time. Both found their way into the bounty hunter's throats, just like Drax's dagger. The two attackers dropped their guns, clawing at there bleeding necks desperately before falling backwards out of sight.

"That's our cue to leave." Rocket announced snatching up the soaking wet rucksack while Gamora got Peter to his feet. Drax swiftly retrieved his precious dagger from the the bounty hunter that had fallen from the cliff above, and took Peter from Gamora's hands. He lifted him over his shoulder, being mindful of his wound as Peter cried out in pain.


Peter tried to stay awake, he watched one arm dangle in front of him, while he could feel a strong hand clasped around his other arm and also round his legs. The green grass and dirt was all he could see everytime he came to, his mind kept drifting. Most of the time he would listen to the strange bird calls that echoed in the forest around them, his friends seemed to remained silent most of the time.

"We need to get back to the Milano!" Peter was suddenly awoken by Gamora's furious tone.

"They will be waiting for us; we need to lure them away." He could hear Rocket argue back.

"And how are we going to do that, Peter is horribly hurt and we have no clue how to help him."

"I'm sorry, next time ill make sure I read up on my frickin' Terran biology." Peter could image Rockets beady brown eyes staring straight into Gamora's "Oh wait, I can't. Because nobody has bothered to study the bloody species!" Rocket howled, the pure frustration in his voice more than just anger. A sense of fear lingered.

Gamora sighed, "How is he?" Her voice now directed towards Drax and himself.

"I can still feel him breathing, every now and then he wakes and tries to move." Drax informed the others. "But he soon looses consciousness again."

"He's exhausted, he's practically died. Twice!"

"What!" Gamora's voice now projected at Rocket

"While you to where playing chase in the woods I've had to stop this idiot from dying. His heart has stopped twice now Gamora, his heart fucking stopped and I was all by myself with him." Rocket took a deep breath. "I was bloody lucky the adrenalin worked on him."

A rise in pain suddenly caused Peter to start slipping, voices started to blur together, sounds fading out. Silence taking over. He watched water drip from his soaking wet hair down into the grass at Drax's feet.

"Peter." A voice managed to break through, Peter was just able to lift his head up in the direction of the voice.

"Hang in their boy." Yondu stood, leaning against a towering tree. He smiled when he noticed Peter looking. "Hang in there." He repeated as Peter once again went limp and slipped back into an unrestful sleep.

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