Together Again

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Gamora was still holding Peter tightly as Rocket and Drax stumbled out from the dense shrubbery.

"We where victorious!" Drax yelled at the top of his voice with Groot on his shoulder, the bounty hunter that had been trailing Peter, being dragged behind him unconscious. Rocket and Drax stopped in there tracks when they found Gamora on the floor with Peter.

"What happened?" Rocket asked already scanning Peter for anymore injuries, he seemed to be slipping in and out of conciseness.

"I don't know, he just started shaking and then he just seemed to loose control of his body." Gamora informed them, as she cradled the heavily injured man.

"What like an err..." Rocket clicked his fingers trying to remember the word. "A seizure!" Rocket remembered. "I use to have them everytime I was bloody re-built, if it happens again we just got to let him ride it out. He hit his head before and this infection isn't helping."

"He's going to die." Gamora realised, staring down at Peter, everytime his eyes opened only slightly she could see him fading.

"Yeah, if we don't get him help!" Rocket shouted not ready to give up yet.

"Where will we take him, no one knows about Terran biology."

"Terra." Rocket realised. "Terran's, they will have the medicine he needs, the antibio-something he was yammering on about earlier."

"And how will we get there? The Milano is in pieces." Gamora still cradled Peter.

"His vessel was still fully functioning when he tried to kill us." Drax said, lifting the bounty hunter up slightly before dropping him back to the ground.

"Gamora he's bleeding again!" Rocket noticed, fresh blood was seeping through his already blood stained top. laying him gently on the floor freed up Gamora's hands to apply full pressure on the wound.

"Night is falling quickly; days seem short on this planet." Drax announced, as he watched the suns start to disappear behind a distant mountain.

"Even if that Dick wakes up, we wouldn't be able to find our way back to their ship. Also this Dick can't travel anywhere like this" Rocket said pointing at the unconscious bounty hunter, then at Peter.

"We must close the wound again." Gamora stated. "Get a fire going." She ordered, Rocket still annoyed from earlier only hesitated for a second. Drax then dumped their hostage not to far away up against a tree.

"I will go fetch something to bind him with." He announced before following Rocket off into the forest.


Gamora sat, Peter's head laid sideways across her lap. They had rested him on his uninjured side, to stop the back of his head pressing against Gamora's lap. She gently ran her fingers through his hair, avoiding the deep cut on the back of his head. The reflection of the fire danced in her eyes, just beyond the fire sat Rocket. He had dismantled Peter's Walkman and laid the parts out in front of him.

"Fixing this thing once was bad enough." Rocket mumbled to himself. "Look on the bright side, least non of the parts where crushed by dear old dad again." Rocket tried to make light of the situation.

"How did Peter even manage to retrieve the broken device?" Drax asked, trying to decide between a couple of stones to sharpen his daggers with.

"After Yondu and Rocket crashed in, I found Peter tucking the parts into his pockets." Gamora replied, resting her hand on Peter's sweaty forehead. "He's not doing well." Gamora announced. Rocket jumped to his feet and approached, Drax watched with a little Groot curled up asleep on his lap. Rocket lifted up Peter's top, the freshly scorched flesh had bonded together. The skin was horribly irritated and now the infection was trapped within his body. Rocket had used a piece of metal he had retrieved from the ship earlier, he had set it in fire and waited till it was red hot. Peter's screams had been unbearable, but it had to be done. He was bleeding out; his skin had turned pasty white. At least now a little bit of colour had returned to his cheeks. Rocket retrieved the bottle of water and poured as little as he could onto the freshly closed wound. Peter's face scrunched in pain and his body started to shake, Gamora's heart stopped, thinking Peter was about to have another seizure. Rocket patted Peter on the shoulder before sighing and returning to his seat. Rocket nudged the Walkman parts a little closer to the fire in hope of drying them out.

"Is his helmet damaged?" Rocket asked Gamora, she examined the meatal behind one of Peter's ear. Seconds after pressing a button a helmet formed around Peter's head. After Peter broke his while fighting his father, Rocket had built him a new one as close to the original as possible. It seemed undamaged and Rocket nodded to Gamora that he was satisfied. She pressed the button again and returned to running her fingers through Peter's filthy hair. A groan from the bounty hunter tied to the tree pulled all of their attention to him. The alien was tied to the tree with multiple vines.

"Where, where am I?" He questioned, his eyes hectically flashing from left to right. Rocket got up again and approached his old work friend.

"Was hoping you would be able to answer that." Rocket crossed his arms.

"I don't know, just some primitive planet." In frustration Rocket punched him brutally in the noes. Drax just sat back, happily sharpening his daggers with his chosen stone.

"Your going to take us to your ship." Rocket instructed, threatening to punch him again.

"And why would I do that?" The bounty hunter smugly smiled, his noes dripping with blood.

"Because my friend is dying, and I don't care what it takes or who I have to go through to save him. I will do what I have to get him off this fucking planet!" Rocket growled, his sharp teeth peaking out from under his lips.

"Good luck with that." The bounty hunter again smirked. Rocket again swung at the bounty hunter, but this time he didn't stop. Again again he landed a solid punch on the aliens face.

"Rocket that's enough!" Gamora shouted, unable to get up to stop him. "Rocket stop!" Again Rocket ignored her, his mind locked by pure rage. Dropping his daggers and quickly moving Groot from his lap, he got up and caught Rocket's arm before he could land another punch.

"Let go of me!" Rocket spat, his eyes wild. Drax stood calm and content, a strong but gentle hold on Rocket's arm.

"Rocket, enough." Drax almost whispered, his voice strangely calming. He then proceeded to lead him away, sitting him down next to the fire before sitting down next to him. "We will find the ship; he will lead us to it." Drax comforted, as he directed a threatening look over his shoulder at the bounty hunter. His face bruised and bleeding, the bounty hunter couldn't even look away.

"What, where am..." Peter weakly mumbled, his words very unclear and almost illegible.

"Peter!" Gamora called, concern in her eyes. Rocket and Drax where over in seconds, even Groot was now awake and looking up at his dying friend. "Peter Its ok, it's me Gamora." She told him, stoking the side of his cheek with the back of her index finger.

"Yondu?" His eyes where slipping open and closed.

"No Peter." Gamora sympathetically replied.

"Yondu?" Rocket questioned.

"I think he's seeing things, when I found him before he collapsed. He was delirious, shouting about how he didn't want him to die." Gamora told them, still she tired to comfort the now shaking form on her lap. Rocket kneeled in front of Peter's face, his eyes only just open.

"Peter your going to be ok, we're going to get you out of this." Rocket promised, "Just hang in there."


All Peter could see was an orange blur, his eyes unable to focus. He felt something moving under him, a warmth seemed to surround him. He then relised the sensation of something brushing against his hair. He felt like he remembered the touch.

"What, where am..."

"Peter." A voice called, standing next to the fire was Yondu.

"Yondu?" Peter questioned his vision still not to clear.

"You need to stop blaming yourself." Yondu told him as he warmed his blue hands near the fire. "I'm in your head boy, I know what your thinking, what your feeling." Yondu glanced over to Peter's wound. "I can feel how much it hurts, but you need to hang on." Yondu came over and crouched in front of Peter. "Peter your going to be ok, we're going to get you out of of this. Just hang in there."

"We're?" Peter questioned.

"Yes Peter." Gentle voice replied, his head was suddenly rolled, his eyes forced to stare towards the sky. His mum with her usual pearly white smile stared down at him. Her skin a healthy pink, her hair long and lushes. Her eyes filled with life. Just as Peter forces himself to remember her like. The memory of her dying face pushed deep down into his mind.

"We're here for you, and always will be." She leaned down kissing him on his burning hot forehead.

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