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Drax struggled to lift Peter through the small hole, trying hard not to dig the metal deeper into his friend. Once out he lay Peter gently on the ground, he placed a large but strangely delicate hand on Peter's blood soaked chest. His grey shirt now red, his pale face covered in ash. Drax held his own breath as he felt for the sensation of Peter's lungs rising and falling. He felt nothing.

He pulled his ear over Peter's lips.


"He's not breathing." Drax announced staying relatively calm. Gamora was on her knees by Peters head, two fingers feeling for a pulse on his delicate neck.

"He's still alive." Gamora revealed.

"Breathe for him!" Rocket shouted weakly from behind them. Gamora gave him a confused glance before pressing her lips to Peter's, delivering oxygen into his lungs for him. Drax and Rocket watched without blinking, Groot sat crying near by. Gamora had to fight back her own tears as she breathed for her friend, his pules was extremely weak, his heart threatening to stop at any second.

"Come on!" She pulled away, out of breath. Peter's head lolled to the side without Gamora steadying it.

"Keep going!" Rocket shouted, crawling closer. Gamora sat back staring at Peter with wide terrified eyes. "Gamora!" He watched unwanted tears slide down her emotionless face. He turned to Peter, taking his blood soaked shirt in his hands. "Wake up Douche-Lord." Rocket shook him viciously before letting go and slapping Peter across the face. Everyone jumped in surprise when Peter took a deep painful gasp, he began coughing on the smoke that lingered in his lungs. Drax pinned Peter down quickly before he sat up, the metal still firmly in his stomach.

"Quill, can you hear me?" Drax asked calmly, a firm hand still on Peter's chest.

"W...Wha... What happened?" Peter was only able to groan, his throat like sand paper, his eyes only just open. Drax went to reply but the ship suddenly shook, the engines bellow threatening to kill them all.

"We need to move now!" Rocket yelled grabbing Groot, trusting Drax to carry Peter to safety. Peter couldn't help but cry out as Drax lifted him into his arms, his stomach burned with pain.

They had only managed to get a few steps away from the ship when the engines exploded, sending them all flying, derby chasing after them. Drax did his best to keep a hold of Peter but he was forced from his arms, they tumbled to the ground. Drax crawled over to Peter who lay on his back, the sound of pain escaping his lips. Still he struggled to take air into his ruined lungs. Drax was alarmed to find the metal in his stomach was gone, having been knocked loose in the fall. Drax quickly applied pressure to the terribly bleeding wound.

"Quill stay with me." Drax ordered as he watched Peter's eyes slipping closed, blood poured through his own grey fingers. Rocket was suddenly at his side slapping Peter like he had before, and like before his eyes snapped open. He struggled to keep in a moan, the pain obviously intolerable. Before Gamora could even make it over a ship descended, guns at the ready, coming straight for them. Drax turned making eye contact with Gamora, she nodded as if knowing his exact thoughts.

"keep him safe, we'll lure them away!" Gamora shouted to Rocket, as her and Drax swiftly disappeared into the dense, vibrant forest that surrounded them. Rocket with Groot on his shoulder, once again wrapped his arms under Peter's, he pulled him out of the clearing into the cover of the forest. Rocket watched the ship fly over head guns firing down on Drax and Gamora who ran in the other direction. There attacker gave chase, leaving destruction in their wake.


"I told him, if he took one more step he was gonna to regret it." Rocket babbled as he pulled Peter's blood soaked hands of his wound. "Did he listen, of course not." Rocket peeled back Peters shirt to find a grotesque sight. The metal hadn't come out cleanly, it had shredded the flesh when it had been wrenched out. The wound now bled profusely, Rocket took a deep breath before continuing on his rant. "Oh, the sight of forty-eight volts contorting his body was extremely satisfying." Rocket pulled Peter's top back down and returned his cold shaking hands to where he had found them. "Much like you when we first met, its more fun when they run." Rocket deviously smiled, remembering back to that day, when him and a much taller Groot had just been looking to score some units.

"And the moral of the story is?" Peter weakly asked, as he stared up at the trees canopy, the feeling of his body becoming numb soothing his pain.

"Don't piss me off." Rocket smiled to Groot who sat by Peter's face, just staring. Rocket's smile quickly vanished, his rambling having only briefly taken him away from the situation they had found themselves in. He knew if he didn't do something soon, he would have to watch one of the closest friends take his last breath, because of him. Rocket growled at himself, shaking the the thought from his head. Rocket then turned on his heels heading back towards what was left of the Milano.

"I am Groot."

"I'll be back, keep him awake." Rocket shouted behind him before he slipped through the foliage.


Rocket had struggled to get hold of any supplies, everything was out of place. The only structure left of the ship was the flight deck and the left side of the ship itself. Both wings had broken off but seemed in good condition. Every creek of the smoking ship made him jump, every sound over head made his ears prick. The flames that had consumed the engines had burned themselves out after the explosion, leaving what was barely a ship in their place. Rocket searched the wreckage, gathering what he could into a small rucksack he had found.

"I am Groot!" The cry made Rocket's fur stand on end. Almost dropping the bag Rocket raced of back to where Peter lay hidden in the forest, only around ten meters from the ship. He ripped through the vegetation to find Peter laying motionless. "I am Groot!" He repeated, the little tree cried uncontrollably as he pointed at there friend. Peters eyes where closed.

"Quill!" Rocket put his fury ear to Peter's chest, a soft beating of his heart could be heard and he could feel the laboured rise and fall of his chest. Rocket dropped back, not wanting to cause his friend anymore pain he pulled a bottle of water from the scorched bag he had brought back. With on hand he lifted Peter's head up as much as he could while tipping the cool refreshing liquid onto his lips. Peter eyes weakly opened as he took a few gulps of water before coughing unwillingly. Rocket pulled the water away not wanting to waste any, he rested Peter's head back down as he continued to cough. Rocket felt a sick feeling in his stomach when his eyes found his hand covered in blood, he only then remembered how Peter had injured his head before the ship had crashed. The whole reason he had sent Peter down into the engine room in the first place.

"You had to go and smash your head in didn't ya." Rocket complained as he turned away from Peter, rummaging through the rucksack.

"You had to go and piss off some of your old work buddies." Peter sluggishly argued back, as Groot every know and then prodded his extremely pale face, when his eyes struggled to stay open.

"I would have been able to fix the engines if you hadn't have become damaged goods."

"That's why you wouldn't let me fly?" Peter let his head roll to the side to look at Rocket.

"You where fucked up Peter, you where no where near a condition to fly that piece of junk you call a ship."

"What did you expect me to do with the engines, drool on them?" Rocket went silent, his hands fell still. "I didn't know the engines where that bad, the readings I was getting where off, I knew that. I had not clue that engine two was critical." Rocket took a deep breath refusing to look at Peter. "If we had lost that engine we wouldn't have been able to make the jump." Rocket suddenly felt something take hold of his arm.

"It's ok." Peter smiled, his shaking hand pulled away and back over to his wound. Rocket looked Peter in the eye, within he could see he wasn't angary, that he understood. Still didn't make Rocket feel any better about the whole situation.

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