Dangerous Waters

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Rocket laid out what he had been able to salvage from the ship in the long green grass; a shot of adrenalin, disinfectant, a bottle of water, some parts of the ship Rocket had deemed useful and Peter's Walkman. Which he had discovered in the bag when he found it. Peter entering a coughing fit broke him out of his thoughts, shattering the silence.

"Steady." Rocket told him, doing his best to keep Peter still as he tipped the bottle of water towards his lips. Once over Peter lay back exhausted. "How much smoke did you breathe in?" Rocket asked, eyeing his friend with concern.

"To much." Peter could only wheeze in reply.

"Was your helmet broke or somethin'?"

Peter thought for a second. "No."

"Did you even think to activate it?"

"No, no I did not." Peter confessed, Rocket through his hands into the air, anger distorted his face.

"Forget Star-Munch, I'm just going to call you simply Idiot from now on."

"Fair enough." Peter sighed.

A ship suddenly flew over head coming into land nearby.

"They must had lost them." Rocket thought to the last time he saw his friend's, he remembered watching them running off into the unknown planet.

"Or killed them." Peter added.

"Your Mr Optimistic today." Rocket said taking hold of Peter's arm and wrenching him into an upright position. Rocket acted quickly, slapping his little hand over Peter's mouth to muffle his scream. "We need to go." Rocket Helped Peter as much as he could to his feet, leaving him leaning weakly against as tree he quickly plunged all the supplies back into the bag. Groot hopped on Rocket's shoulder, before all three of them slowly made their way deep into the undergrowth.


"How you doin' Humie ." Rocket watched Peter stumble from tree to tree, unable to walk on his own for longer than a few seconds. He kept one hand pressed against his wound, while the other balanced him on the various smooth barked trees.

"Just peachy." Peter replied resting his head on the latest tree.

"Here." Rocket took an almost empty bottle of water from the rucksack slung over his shoulder. Handing it to Peter as he watched the liquid move within, he took a sip then went to hand it back.

"Drink the rest, I'm sure I can hear a river up ahead, we can rest there." Peter savagely drank every last drop from the bottle before handing it back, Rocket couldn't help but notice the beads of sweat forming on his face. The temperature was quite pleasant, even with a fur coat Rocket wasn't breaking a sweat. Peter's oddly pale skin was a worry, as well as the haze that seemed to cover what was once he bright blue eyes.


Each step was no longer painful, even though Peter could still just feel his wound bleeding, his fingers now quickly becoming numb. Like his pale lifeless fingers Peter's legs where growing heavy, and the overwhelming sensation of exhaustion didn't allow him to walk in a straight line. Also the fact that the world around him never stopped spinning, and was never in focus wasn't helping. Peter had deduced early on, when his mind could still process a simple thought, that he had a concussion. He couldn't even feel the excessive amount of sweat dripping from his shivering body. If his cloths weren't already clinging to him due to being drenched in blood, the sweat would have soaked through his shirt by now. To add to the list of problems he was finding it hard to breath, taking in short hitched breaths. But like his wound, he felt no pain, his numb body constantly beckoning him to sleep. His eye lids felt like they where being held down each time he blinked. Stumbling in his boots around the uneven terrain he could hear Rocket nearby, Peter struggled to make out half the stuff he was saying.

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