Here We Go Again

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Peter in as much pain as he was could still create a coherent thought, and all his mind was able to think, over and over as he stumbled next to the river. How the hell is he going to get out of this one. Peter clutched his wound with one hand, each step caused a stabbing pain which threatened to bring him to his knees. But he remained standing, the thought of being reunited with Gamora all he needed to drive him on.

"How close are we?" Peter asked, dripping with sweat, his breathing unsteady. Rocket eyed the device he held in his hands.

"Not far now." Rocket replied, the top of a waterfall suddenly came into view. Peter watched the water flow, until a sudden drop let gravity send it crashing down to the river bellow. Unexpectedly from within the forest on their left, the sound of a branch being snapped in two got their attention, both Rocket and Peter spun round. Groot sat happily on the raccoon's shoulder.

"I'm sure its nothing." Peter sighed, his lungs ached, his muscles burned. Even the thought of Gamora couldn't make his blood starved legs work. He dropped down onto one knee, rocket was there to help balance him.

"Quill hang in there buddy; they can't be far."

"Go." Peter coughed.

"I'm not leaving you." Rockets voice cracked slightly, emotion welling up in his throat.

"I mean go have a look, see if you can see them." Peter looked up past Rocket, towards the edge of the waterfall.

"Oh yeah, of course." Rocket swiftly wiped his eyes. On all fours he leapt up over to the edge of the waterfall, he stood on his hind legs peering over the edge. The booming of the water mashing down into the wider river bellow deafening. Peter attempted to get back to his feet, but his legs faltered under him, keeping him grounded. He cursed under his breath, fed up with his weak state.

"I see them!" Rocket suddenly called, hope in his words. The rustling of leaves made Peter looked up, he found one of Rocket's old friends looming out from behind a tree, not to far away from him. The heavily armed bounty hunter had his blaster ready, pointed straight at Rocket.

Peter didn't really have time to think of anything sensible, the few thoughts that did pass through his concussed, feverish mind where; Guns in rucksack, need to save Rocket. With unknown strength Peter launched to his feet, he madly dashed over to Rocket, diving at him. Taking them both over the edge of the waterfall as the blasters shot just missed them. Peter's only worry wasn't, how much this was going to hurt, or how deep the river bellow might be. Or even if they where going to survive the fall. His single worry was, his Walkman better fucking work after this.


Gamora watched, her heart stopped. All she could do was watch. She had been ecstatic to find Rocket waving to her from just on top of the waterfall, she had pushed her legs harder, making herself run faster. Leaving Drax slightly behind. She had stopped at the sound of a blaster, and looked up to find Peter and Rocket tumbling down the waterfall. She watched them hit hard against the waters surface before disappearing down into the unknown. Drax had been in the water before her, he was the first to dive down after them. Gamora quickly followed. Once submerged, the sun above aloud her to see Drax swimming desperately towards an unconscious Rocket in the swirling water. She watched Drax snatch him up in his arms before turning and heading back towards her, back to the surface. She scanned the churning water, the water crashing down from above didn't help with visibility. But her eyes did catch sight of Groot struggling to swim towards her, his little arms doing nothing against the strong pull of the water. She took him in her hands in seconds, and in seconds they broke the waters surface. Once up she found Drax carrying Rocket to land, she did the same with Groot, the small tree coughed up water as she sat him down.

"Where's Quill?" Gamora asked as Drax attempted to rouse the unmoving raccoon. Drax terrified look made Gamora's blood run cold.

"I didn't see him, I thought you where retrieving him?" Drax and Gamora both dived back into the water simultaneously.


It was peaceful, the warm gentle water was merciful on Peter's skin, soothing him. The smiling sun above was bliss. The sweet blue water around him gleamed. Peter felt no pain, not anymore. He didn't even feel the water filling his lungs. He wilfully let his eyes slide closed, enjoying the serenity of the moment. A sharp unexpected slap to the face made him suddenly gasp, his eyes snapped open. Peter was no longer in the warming tranquil water, he was lying down on a smooth white floor. Yondu staring down at him.

"Yondu?" The blue man smiled, his messed up teeth a welcoming sight to Peter. But another sharp slap made him gasp again. "What was that for?" Peter remained on his back as he rubbed his cheek.

"Its not your time boy, your Mama doesn't want to see you yet." Yondu smiled, tears in his eyes. "Son, I don't want to see you yet either."


Gamora only was just able to spot Peter on the river bed, she wasted no time signalling for Drax's aid. But he soon spotted her speeding off in Peter's direction. She grasped hold of his arm, before pushing herself of the river bed and towards the surface. Drax was suddenly underneath them, giving them another push, helping them get there faster. Once back up in the open air Gamora struggled to keep Peter's pale face out the water, but Drax soon appeared and helped them to dry land. As soon as Peter was dragged up across the smooth stone Gamora slammed her ear to Peter's chest.

"He's... his heart, he's dead." Gamora stammered as she slowly pulled her head away.

"He's what!" Rocket screamed, having only just come round. The raccoon suddenly began to violently cough, water spewing out of his lungs. Drax went to go assist but Gamora grabbed his arm, keep him crouched by Peter.

"There has to be something we can do; he can't be dead."

"We are both gifted in the art of taking life, giving life. That is something that alludes us." Drax sat back as Gamora released his arm. She stared down at Peter's lifeless form, not blinking. His blue tainted lips where vibrant against his white skin. Gamora brushed Peter's soaking wet hair from his forehead. Drax had gone to Rockets aid, but had been quickly pushed away. Groot could barley watch as Rocket crawled over to Peter's dead body.

"Not again, not again!" Rocket shouted, his lungs still fall of water. "Drax, push down on his chest"

"What?" Drax kneeled down by Peter.

"Just do it, above his heart, here. I think." Rocket pointed to Peter's heart, trying to remember where he had injected Peter before. "Keep pressing down, not to hard." Rocket ordered. "Gamora, breath for him."

"What?" Gamora now questioned, confusion plastered over her face.

"Put your lips on his, and breath!" Rockets frustration very clear. Gamora did as she was told, his lips blue and ice cold. She breathed and breathed, while Drax pressed down again and again on his heart.

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