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"Rocket we've saved the galaxy."

"Twice." Drax added

"Why wouldn't they just let us through?" Gamora continued as they began to close in on the Nova corps blockade. The Jump itself had a yellow force filed protecting it, a massive space station sat next to it.

"One, this isn't the Milano; two they don't let anyone through this jump anymore." Rocket was getting more and more agitated; he couldn't even turn to look at Peter who was barely hanging on.

"Rocket we've saved the Galaxy, Twice." Gamora repeated, not understanding the problem. As if on cue the ship shook violently almost knocking Gamora off her feet.

"One of the engines is down!" Rocket shouted, the screens in front now flashing red. Suddenly multiple Nova Corp's ships flew past before surrounding them.

"Do not attempt anything or we will be forced to use lethal force." A voice sounded from one of the Nova Corps ships.

"Oi it's us you idiots, the Guardians." No response. "The Guardian's of the frickin Galaxy!"

"Rocket?" A now familiar voice spoke

"Nova Prime?" Rocket instantly recognised the strong female voice, the authority just seemed to irradiate from her lips.

"What are you lot doing here? Where's your ship?"

"There's no time to explain, Peter is dying, we need to get to Terra!"

"Rocket this jump is locked down; no one can enter. Bring Quill to the station we can,"

"No, we need to get to Terra. Only his own people will be able to save him!" Rocket slammed his fists down onto the controls, the others watched in silence.

"Rocket I,"

"Please." Rocket again cut her off. "Please, he's going to die." Rocket practically begged. Suddenly the orange force filed around the Jump gate dropped.

"Contact us when your ready to return, we will open the jump again."

Rocket not wanting to waste anymore time just headed straight through the jump, praying the other engines would hold.


The ship slammed into the unfamiliar ground. Land stretched out for miles, only a small congregation of trees sat far off in the distance. A large heard of black and brown cattle watched on from nearby, the scorching hot sun beaming down from the almost cloudless sky. Gamora came stumbling out the wreckage, dragging Peter as she held one of his arms over her shoulder.

"Rocket you idiot, learn to land!" Gamora shouted as she readjusted her grip on Peter, she lowered him to the ground, making sure to support his head.

"You a friend of the Hulk?" The strong Texas accent surprised Gamora. Her head shot up, hair flicking back to reveal a man standing next to a large four legged, hooved creature. Some kind of weapon in his hand, pointed right at her.

"No." She simply replied putting her hands up, hoping it was also a universal symbol of surrender.

"How comes I can understand you?" The man continued to point his gun at her, she could see his hands shaking.

"I have a translator, we all do." Gamora slowly got to her feet not wanting to startle the man.

"We?" He asked, but before Gamora could answer Drax suddenly emerged carrying Rocket and Groot.

"Put me down!" Rocket growled as he was carried from the ship. Drax did as he wished.

"Right, now where the hell are..." Rocket noticed the man aiming a weapon at Gamora. "Greenie?"

Guardians of the Galaxy - Whump with StoryWhere stories live. Discover now