Battle Of The Beasts

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Rocket managed to deflect the animal's sharp claws with the blade, before throwing it to a more capable wilder. Gamora's hand wrapped around the firm hilt of the blade, the sensation of the weapon in her grasp something she was all to familiar with. Before Gamora could even attack Drax lunged at the six legged beast, his sharp white hilted daggers ready to pierce its flesh. With three paws, the massive black furred creature knocked Drax to the side. Leaves rustled above after Drax crashed into the base of a tree trunk. Gamora charged, sword raised above her head, ready to slice down onto the menacing beast. With an unnatural agility the creature sidestepped out the way, its massive and extreme number of claws dug into the ground for grip. It then bared its row of shark like teeth, revealing two tongues that resided within it's menacing mouth. The gold eyed monster then let out a blood chilling hiss before pouncing. Gamora raised her blade just in time, its claws and teeth clattering against the strong metal as she was overwhelmed. Her back hit the ground, still she kept the beast at bay with her sword. She felt its sticky saliva splatter on her face as it's terrifying amount of teeth tried to embed themselves in her tender green neck. She watched as a rock collided with the creature's head.

"That's right yah big pussy, over here!" Rocket foolishly taunted. The distraction gave Gamora her chance, she got her feet up under the beast and managed to heave the creature off her. She rolled out the way before elegantly ascending to her sturdy feet. The jet black beast scrambled over to Rocket, a blood thirsty look in its eyes.

"Gamora!" Rocket yelled as he backed up, tripping on a large tree root. Just as the beast was about to get a taste of raccoon meat it's face crashed down into the dirt. Groot's long vine like arms where wrapped around its back legs.

"I am Groot!"

"Good work buddy." Rocket replied as he scurried away on all fours. The creature, using it's other four legs got to its feet and quickly spun ground. The little tree couldn't keep his footing and like Drax was flung into the forest. Before Gamora could get close enough to strike it turned and charged at her with incredible speed, four of its deadly claws only just caught her arm as she dived out the way. Again the beast's eyes found Rocket, the small raccoon obviously an irresistible target.

"For Fuck sake!" Rocket yelled as the creature licked its long whiskers. As the terrifying animal lunged Rocket propelled himself over the creature causing it to crash head first into a tree.

"What's the plan?" Rocket asked as the beast struggled to recover from the brutal hit to the head.

No reply.

"Gamora?" Rocket spun round, looking for the green skinned woman. Her and her sword where nowhere to be seen. "Gamora!" Rocket yelled as the creature got back to its feet, eyes locked on his. It crouched slowly, Rocket could have sworn he saw the beast grin deviously before once again pouncing. It landed right on top of him, his little paws some how only just preventing his instant death. Suddenly the tip of a blade slipped through the beast's skull, the sharp point not even an inch away from Rocket's nose. Rocket watched the creature's gold eyes slip closed as blood dripped from the soaked blade. Rocket was still unable to take a breath as the blade was pulled from the skull. The six legged leopard like beast was nudged to the side, so it fell away from Rocket. Gamora stood already wiping her blood drenched blade on a tree nearby.

"Nice work." Gamora complimented before her sword retracted and was fastened to her belt. Rocket stared mouth wide open.

"Nice, BLOODY work?!" Rocket pretty much screamed. "Where the fuck did you go? I almost died, DIED!" Rocket for once was lost for words. Gamora in reply simply pointed up towards a branch above there heads.

"You... how? Wha.." Rocket stumbled for words.

"Die beast!" Drax suddenly cried as he came crashing through the shrubbery, he skidded to a halt when he found their attacker already dead, bleeding out onto the forest floor. "I must have delivered a fatal hit when I was knocked down!" Drax cheered with joy.

"Through it's skull?" Gamora questioned as she pointed to the dead animal.

"Maybe not." Drax replied after taking a closer look, his overwhelming joy now replaced with disappointment.

"I am Groot." The little tree immerged, brushing himself down.

"You alright?" Gamora asked slightly concerned, she lovingly lifted him, she held him as he snuggled his face into her shoulder.

"Where's Quill?" Drax suddenly asked alarmed. Everyone spun round to find a small blood stain where Peter had been laying.


Peter stumbled through the forest, using the trees to balance himself like he had done before. He wasn't sure where he was going, he just knew he needed to get away. From what, he wasn't to sure. His side burned with an unimaginable pain, it was worse than anything he had ever felt. Sweat soaked his skin, blood leaked through his already blood stained top.

"Where you going boy?" Yondu asked as Peter collapsed against a tree exhausted.

"Sit down before you fall down." Yondu ordered in a stern tone. By instinct Peter listened to his captain, he slid down the smooth barked tree till he met with the forest floor. "Do you remember what happened last time you ran off."

"I was abducted by aliens." Peter mumbled out of breath.

"You where abducted by aliens." Yondu clarified as he took a seat next to Peter. Peter weakly turned to Yondu, he stared into his deep red eyes. Again he found himself his space, the same eyes staring at him as the life seem to leak out.

"You're not real, are you?"

Yondu smiled, looking away as he stretched his legs and delicately placed one over the other.

"That's for you decide." Yondu's smiled, Peter didn't realize how much he had missed Yondu's ugly smile.

"I saw... I saw you die." Peter struggled to reply, the memory still to painful. That wound still horribly fresh.

"Yes, you did." Yondu again smiled, unable to keep a chuckle at bay.

"Then how?"

"Well you messed your head up pretty good boy, not just that, your wound seems pretty fucked up too." Yondu pointed to the blood seeping through Peter's top.

"My mum, you said you had seen my mum?" Peter once again looked into Yondu's eyes, pushing away the extreme pain he was in just so he could continue the conversation without passing out.

"Wasn't me boy." Yondu admitted. "I'm in here." Yondu placed a finger on Peter's temple before retrieving it. "The other handsome blue guy came from somewhere else."

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