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Kristy's POV:

Yesterday at dinner, everything was taciturn. MS was quite while eating, no greetings with her usual wide streched extra dark red  lips.

Its true I couldn't stand her honey coated extra sweet voice, it meant fake to me.
But did her silence verbalised aloud about her reality?

Today morning we were informed no classes today by MS, we would be handled by Mr. Andrews himself.

I was waiting outside my room for all others to join me. I saw Kyle coming alone.

His black hair, with ting of brown colored pushed back, eyes as coruscating as ever, & his slender body with bulky muscles spoke out brash HOT  more than my lips could.

"checking me out Sweety?" remarked Kyle, placing his hand on my waist.

'Remove your hand'
I was irritated by his grip.

"Stop slavering over me then"  minty air flushed over my face.

I pushed him away with my little force and he took step back.

'You are self centered always. Why do you think I will drool over you?'

"My thoughts are always about you. Want to know what I think?" he winked.

'Since when you took upon Wisley's crookedness'

"Ooo.. Someone is high on hills today. What happened over night? Where is my silent Kristy? You ate her?"

I just gave him dead face expression.

'Someone said they love my braveness. What happened to old kyle? You ate him with your pork yesterday at dinner?'

He  was dumstruck after I snapped at him. Wisley came laughing out from his hiding place, and hugged me tapping my shoulder proudly.

"Kristyle! Iam proud of you. Finally got someone to purse your lips Kyle. She is doing well with my training" wisley announced.

Even I started laughing now. Just for information, it was not planned between me & Wisley, it was my sudden response to Kyle.

I thought its better I return to my original nature rather than on spooking Kyle!

"are you for real?" Kyle poked my arm.

I shrugged off his remark and turned to Mr. Andrew's who was walking towards us in his as usual sweet & bright smile.

"You 3 left your 4th somewhere wandering around like lost rat? Plz stay together dearies. Its a huge Castle. Come lets go for our todays task" announced Mr. Andrews.

Was really Jack lost? I looked at Jack with concerned look, he snatched his gaze away from me.

Whats the matter? May be later we can deal with him.

We followed Mr. Andrews to a long corridor where we found huge Auditorium within a Castle.

'What is this place? Are we going to practice here?' I was excited.

"Its mini Auditorium where Queen usually held her magic show for her guests. Today I will teach you her magic tricks about you being cut into half for audience, but you would be intact" Mr. Andrews explained.

He walked upto dice and dragged a table with razor sharp square plate.

I heared bird's chirping around. A cage was braught, inside by one of the Maid. She handed it to Mr. Andrews and left.

I took keen observation of the bird. It was that same bird I had rescued yesterday at Forest.

"Sir, isn't it same bird? from which your Queen had lots of loses in past. How can you keep it?" questioned Jack.

"Right! Its same bird which Kristy had saved from Queens wrath. I was about to leave it far from this Island todat but was given with duty with you all. Later I shall think about it. Come front & have look at this divine table here" gestured Mr. Andrews and sat on a seat far from table with cage in hand.

I walked upto the cage and caressed the bird with my fingers. Wish I could take it in my arms.

'Why you want to get rid of it?'
It occured to me to inquire about his generosity.

"I don't want to. I want it to be safe, somewhere far from the Queen."

'You can hide it'

"Its difficult dear. Queen knows everything that happens around her. I don't know what's the matter with this bird but for humanity, I don't want it to die for some odd reasons"

'Do you like it?'

"Ofcourse I do. But you were strong enough to go against MS and save this Birdy out of your sympathy. I like your courage of helping others. I respect your bravery"

I was touched to see his warm eyes pooling with tears in them.

"You remind me of my little daughter, who was of your age."

'Where is she? I want to meet her'

"Wish I could get her back. But once person dead, you can't get them back to life. Isn't it?"

I was shocked to know about her death.

'Iam sorry I shoundn't have asked that'

"Its okay sweety. I miss her every day"

'What happened to her?'

Mr. Andrews sighed & gazed into my eyes, holding deep pain.

"She died bcz of some odd circumtances aroused in the Castle dear. I wanted to save her but.."

'But ..?'

"Can you answer my few questions?"

'Sure Mr. Andrews'

"If possibly you get any chance to run from here & save yourself, will you do that?  If ever you come to know the truth behind this huge Castle,
will you stay here to fight the odds & save us?"

'What? What are you talking Mr. Andrews?"

He caught my arms with tight grip and stared into my eyes deeper. He was trying to convey something..

"This place is not safe for anyone. You  should fight in any circumstances. Remember this... you are first to show courage & you will be the last. Dark night holdes dark magic. Silver has power to locate dark one. Take revenge from dark but never... Throne" by the end he was shivering with excess of sweating all over his face.

I shook him
'Mr. Andrews are you alright?'.

He fell unconcious infront of me on the floor. I screamed looking at his body.

All the boys and maids came running towards us. Kyle held me from arm, and turned my back to Mr. Amdrews body. He covered me completely calming my senses.


Here completes the 4th day.

Mr. Andrews is so spooky! What do you think?



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