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Wisley's POV:

We were waiting for Jack at the corner of corridor. It was more than a hour that he didn't return.

"What do you think, he will make it?"

'I don't know Kyle.'

"Lets bet over him"

Kyle extended his fist to me. I looked at him as if he has gone insane. Ignoring him I concentrated on the door of  ROOM SNAKES.

"whats the matter Wisley? Why are you tensed?"

'Do you even consider him? He has gone in there for more than an hour. We are standing like a guard here. Can't we do anythinh about it?'

"You are out of your mind. Isn't it? You know what! you should be held responsible for this, you dared him"

'I apologize for that but you threatened him to accept my dare. Its not only me, even you are to be blamed Kyle'

"Just end this Blame game here and think of possible ways to get him out"

'I can't think of any. Shall we enter in?'

"Yeah! Then even we will be stuck inside for hours or by our fate we may return or get caught by one of the guard or may be Jack is playing prank with us" 

'Why are you always so suspectful about Jack? Is it so that he tried upon Kristy?'

"I guess it's not necessary to get Kristy in middle of our conversation. The matter is only about getting Jack here"

'You started it by doubting on Jack'

Kyle gave me dead look. I returned him the same. Friends are friends after all.

"Hey you two! What are you doing there? " a guard saw us from far and reached with his blade weapon pointing at us.

'We were sort of hanging out? We were bored of our rooms. Can you suggest us some picnic area here so that we can.. You know.. Enjoy?'

Guard examined us from head to toe and said nothing.

"Well my friend here... is really out of mind may be bcz of sitting in confined room for days. Sorry from his side. We were just roaming" explined Kyle.

Again the guard examined us in same manner.

Is he checking us out?
Wait ...is he...? Hell..!!

'Nice meeting you mr. Guard we are about to leave for our rooms. Thanks'

With that I dragged Kyle all the way with me away from that guard. He didn't utter a word.

"Wisley what was that for?"

'Nothing let's go to Kristy'

We jogged upto Kristy's room. She was watching outside the window where sun shown on her delicate skin. She was amazingly adorable.

Wait...! Iam not intrested in her let me clear it.

'Hey Kristyle, what you doing? Missing me much.'

"Nothing in that sense but where is Jack? You guys had left with him right?" questioned Kristy.

I looked at Kyle and he was too as blank like me in this situation. Kristy sensed some tension over and stood infront of us.

"I hope Jack has returned. Isn't it?" Kristy asked again.

We shrugged off her question.

It was about to dawn and we were visiting now and then Jack's room for his return. We couldn't dare to go ROOM SNAKES.

One of the butler came inside with fade smile on his wrinkling face. May be he was about the age of 80s but still working good.

Nice check on your health old man.

He stated " Evening everyone here. I guess you all are in search of one of your mate by name Jack."

'Yeah he is missing since afternoom today. Did you find him?'

"Well I didn't meet him nor I saw him today. I was asked to inform you all three that your friend is been sent back to HILLS for some reason. So only three of you will move on from here for the Classes assigned for you people." Butler said.

"What was the reason behind sending him so strangely? Was he ill? His belongings are still at his room. Are you lying to us?" interrupted Kristy.

Old man looked at Kristy with very strange smile for seconds and then continued..

"I just know that he had complained of sickness after some odd incident this afternoon to Mr. Andrews, the message was taken to Queen and the decision was taken right then. His belongings would be parcelled very soon. And Iam not lying young lady"

We all looked at each other. We were so confused, he was alright till noon and what happened in that room? Was he caught and banished from here?

"And young people, I forgot to say, Queen would be waiting for you all at the dining table. Enjoy the dinner." with that butler left.

I felt awkward with the information given to us. Why Jack left withought meeting us? Was his illness chronic? Why didn't he mention us about it?




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