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"Mom I won't leave u"


'I know Kristy'

Δ Mom was busy in arranging the dried clothes after washing them. She was adamant about sending me to Hogwards hills Δ

 " Then y r u sending me away from you . I won't bother u anymore n I 'll listen to u. Plz don't send me there mom'

'kristy stop ua mellodrama, u need to explore the world specifically Explore your fear n come over it. U can't live with your fear everytime.'

"u r right mom, Iam exploring my fear. See Iam sitting quite with this fly on my leg. I am not afraid of it. I can explore more by staying here."

'kristy enough! Fly is not what u r afraid of. Stop acting like a child. Go to your room and pack your bag, you are leaving very soon, your vehicle is on the way to pick you.'

There was end to our conversation. I dont believe my parent are sending me away to that school. Don't they love me?  is it that they are sending me away to get rid of me? No no.. They are my parent. Stop thinking like u are being sent to a orphanage... idiot KRISTY!

HOGWARDS HILLS was every student's dream. I was lucky enough to get admission. It was famous for its special classes, where students are given proper knowledge to develop  own skills, specifically to conquire  fear & to make a better person.

Well.....Im gud in my skills, I dont need another person to teach me abt manners and Iam capable of conquering my own fear, see Iam almost better person. Why don't my parents beleive me?


NAME- kristy
PROFESSION- school student
RESIDENCE- right now staying with my parents.

From birth I am scared of insects and different creatures of this beautiful nature. I don't make much friends with the fear of being exposed with my dark secrets.

There were many occassions where I used to enjoy with my parents, during our visits to different places like majorly  zoos, sanctuaries and even  forest safaries... But every time I was brought back unconcious to home. We couldn't complete our trips.

Earlier every1 thought its my behavioural disorder that makes my brain hyperactive after coming in contact with animals which made me unconcious. But gradually this behaviour turned into terror for my life.

I couldn't withstand even small insect near me, I felt as if they will cover my whole body and eat me up. But no one understood what I felt, not even health specialists after doing several scans n tests.

What had happened with me?

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