Waking up

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Today I woke up thinking on how much I need my mom with me. Our relationship was never the greatest but she was my back bone when I needed her the most. Our last years together we're priceless. We made up for all those years off fighting and hating each other. On her last days she told me what she wanted for her funeral. I being the hot head and stubborn rat that I am didn't want to accept that she was ready to leave me behind with her two grandchildren. It has been ten long years that I don't have her with me and I think about her day and night. Wanting her to at least tell me that everything it's alright to move on and live my life. But that day will never come. Ever since my mom left me behind I don't find a meaning to my birthday or anything else because she's not the first one to wake me up with cuddles and special breakfast like she use to. I have been depressed for the past ten years because I can't move on from her death. I'm sorry for the bad grammar I just wrote what is in my heart for now. I love my mommy and I missed her like crazy.

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