What i have learned♥️

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What I have learned this past two weeks. Is that it's never ok to give up on yourself for a man.Never put a man on a pedestal if that man can't put you in one. Knowing well that you deserve to be in one. Never give up your hopes and dreams to be the best wife and mother. Sometimes it's ok to be selfish and chase your dreams and still be a wife and mother. Now that I'm single again and have a 17 year old and a 12 year old that still need me to be the most loving and caring for them. I'm ready to began a new chapter in my life and move on and be happy. Not with a love from a man. But with a love for my self that I had put at side thinking that all I need it was the love of a man. When I was I. High school I use to tell my self all the time I love me my self and I. And I stopped telling my self that because I stopped believing in me. When I had stopped believing in my self I started depending in others to love me. I never thought that I would go back to being single and now I don't even know what to do. It's funny because I haven't been on a date with a different man in so long and it's scary.

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